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TeachMeet June 2015 Mike Baker AHT. I’m Still Stuck This can be used at the end of a topic or series of lessons as a gap analysis plenary Give students.

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Presentation on theme: "TeachMeet June 2015 Mike Baker AHT. I’m Still Stuck This can be used at the end of a topic or series of lessons as a gap analysis plenary Give students."— Presentation transcript:

1 TeachMeet June 2015 Mike Baker AHT

2 I’m Still Stuck This can be used at the end of a topic or series of lessons as a gap analysis plenary Give students 2-3 post-it notes each. Provide a sheet with a list of objectives from the topic (differentiate into Developing/Secure/Extending etc). Students pick something they are stuck with and write it + their name on a post it. Students stick these on the board under the headings. Then peers come and take post-its and go and find someone to help or unblock.

3 Progress & understanding checklist P1.4 Developing DSecure CExtending B+ I can label parts of a power station I can how electricity is generated in a power station I can argue why we should use alternative fuels I can give examples of different energy sources I can explain how we use nuclear fuels in a power station I can compare the difference between a panel of solar cells and a solar heating panel I can define ‘fossil fuel’ I can explain how we use waves to generate electricity I can explain why people are concerned about nuclear power I can name some fuels used to generate electricity I can explain how we can use the tides to generate electricity I can explain how renewable energy resources affect our environment I can state what a solar cell is I can explain how we can use geothermal energy I can explain why we use high voltages in the National Grid

4 Body Shapes Plenary Great at the end of the lesson to check understanding. Very popular as a leg-stretcher with those kinesthetic learners! Make up some quiz questions with options A B C D to cover the content of the lesson. Give each option a body shape e.g. if you think the answer is A stand on one leg, B make ‘glasses’, C hand on hip in a ‘teapot’ shape, D make a ‘church’ shape. Then ask the questions and use the visual feedback to see who knows what and to drop on individuals to say why they have chosen that answer option.

5 Quiz What do you most enjoy about Teachmeet so far? A. meeting new people & networking B. presenting C. interesting new ideas to use D. the food

6 Quiz What will you take back with you to your home school? A. everything it was all great B. I met some great contacts C. I found a nice new mug/pen D. a few interesting ideas I liked the sound of E. food poisoning

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