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When was he born? Unit 9. 1a International Sports Stars ( 国际体育明星 ) Michael Jordan.

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Presentation on theme: "When was he born? Unit 9. 1a International Sports Stars ( 国际体育明星 ) Michael Jordan."— Presentation transcript:

1 When was he born? Unit 9

2 1a International Sports Stars ( 国际体育明星 ) Michael Jordan

3 International Sports Stars Michael Jordan Martina Hingis David Beckham Ronaldo

4 International Sports stars Guo Jingjing Michael Jordan Martina Hingis Deng Yaping David Beckham

5 Conversation1 -Who’s that? -That’s Deng Yaping. She is a great Chinese ping-pong player. -When was she born? -She was born in 1973. Conversation2 -Who’s that? -That’s Michael Jordan. He’s a great American basketball player. -When was he born? -He was born in 1963. Section A 1b

6 Converation3 -Who’s that? -That’s Martina Hingis. She’s a great Swiss tennis player. -When was she born? -She was born in 1980. Converation4 -Who’s that? -That’s David Beckham. He’s a great British soccer player. -When was he born? -He was born in 1975.

7 在英语中, 年份一般用阿拉伯数字写出。 年份写法读法 1996 1748 2063 1050 2006 seventeen forty-eight two thousand( 千 ) and six twenty sixty-three ten fifty nineteen ninety-six 年份 2000-2009 一般都是按照数字 2000-2009 的读法来读. 读的时候, 四位数的年份, 一般前两个数为一个单位, 后 两个数为一个单位, 依次按基数词读出。 1996 1748 2063 1050 2006 复习

8 1983 1837 2005 1991.3 1652.6 1846.9.21 nineteen eighty-three eighteen thirty-seven two thousand and five March nineteen ninety-one June sixteen fifty-two September twenty-first, eighteen forty-six

9 Shirley Temple 秀兰 · 邓波生于 1928 年 4 月 23 日。 was born 年用 in 月用 in 星期也用 in 有年有月还用 in 如果遇到年月日,千万记住要用 on on April 23, 1928.

10 主语 was born in 年代 1980.  were in 年 月 Dec. 1980.  on 年 月 日 Dec. 12, 1980 出生 特殊疑问句: When was 主语 born ? were

11 When was Mary born? She was born 1991. She was born May.1991. She was born May 1st,1991. in on Exercise 1.When ___ your birthday? (be) 2.How old ___ he last year? (be) 3.When ___ your sister born? (be) 4.When ____ the twin sisters born? (be) 5.My father is going to Beijing ___ December 11th. 6.___ 1999,we went to the Great Wall with Tonny. is was were on In

12 2a Listen and fill in the “How long” column in the chart. 2b Listen again and fill in the “Started” and “Stopped” columns in the chart above. 978 days 1922 1981,1,13 1990 1983,9,16

13 A: how long did Charles Smith hiccup ? B: He hiccupped for 69 years and_______________ months. A: When did he start hiccupping? B: He started in______________. A: When did he stop hiccupping ? B: He stopped in_______________. 2C 5 1922 1990 978 days 1922 1981,1,13 1990 1983,9,16

14 2. 对划线部分提问。 He started playing soccer when he was four years old. _____ _____ he started playing soccer? He hiccupped for 69 years and 5 months. _____ _____ ______ he ______?

15 1. too… to.. 太 … 而不能 … The boy is too young to go to school. Mr Smith is too old to go to work. not + adj + enough to do sth so...that + 从句(从句应用否定形式)如此 … 以致不能 … The boy is not old enough to go to school. Mr Smith is not young enough to go to work. The boy is so young that he couldn’t go to school. Mr Smith is so old that he couldn’t go to work.

16 他激动得说不话来.(too…to…, so…that…) say a word 这个盒子太小,装不下所有的东西.(too…to…, not…enough to…) hold He was too excited to say a word. He was so excited that he couldn’t say a word. The box is too small to hold all the things. The box isn’t big enough to hold all the things.

17 1. 我太累了,什么也做不了. (too…to…) (so…that…) 2. 他已经足够大可以上学了 (…enough to…) 他还不够大,不能上学. (not…enough to…) 3. 她学习努力,所以取得了好成绩.(so…that...)

18 2. 开始做某事 : start doing sth start to do sth begin to do sth begin doing sth 当 begin / start 本身用进行时态时, 一般用 begin/ start to do sth. 他正要开始写信. He is beginning / starting to write a letter. 当 begin / start 的主语是物时, 一般用 begin/ start to do sth. 春天万物复苏. Everything begins / starts to grow in spring.

19 Homework  1.Collect the information about sports stars. Then make cards  2.( 改错 )  1).I went to the classroom, but no one were there.  2).Last summer I go to Hong Kong.  3).Lucy and Lily didn’t late for school last week.  4).Did your friend bought a new watch yesterday

20 Thank you for listening

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