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The Sending Out…II Matthew 10:5-24 Matthew 8-16. Kingdoms In Conflict The Sending Out… Matthew 10:5-24 Intro: The Context When Christ calls a man he bids.

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Presentation on theme: "The Sending Out…II Matthew 10:5-24 Matthew 8-16. Kingdoms In Conflict The Sending Out… Matthew 10:5-24 Intro: The Context When Christ calls a man he bids."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Sending Out…II Matthew 10:5-24 Matthew 8-16

2 Kingdoms In Conflict The Sending Out… Matthew 10:5-24 Intro: The Context When Christ calls a man he bids him to come and die. Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

3 Matt 10:5-7 Kingdom by definition is the domain (geographical area) ruled by a King. The Kingdom of Heaven is not the geographical area but the actual rule and administration of His will in his people. If we want to follow Jesus… we need to be like Jesus!

4 Matt 10:8-14 The words—Works and Means for the Twelve. The Words—Proclaim The Works—heal the sick; raise the dead; cleanse the lepers; cast out demons. The Means— no money just trust and stay on mission. Warning—10:14,15-Its not for them to take offence.

5 Matt 10:16-23 The reality of the mission. Matt 10:16-20: Persecution and the Spirit’s ministry. Matt 10:21-23: Family persecution and the coming of the Son of Man.

6 1.Obedience Heb 5:7,8; Jn 14:21 2.Perspective (eternal) 3.Endurance Rm 5:3-5; Jas 1:2-4 4.Trust Pr 3:5,6; Heb 13:5 5.Courage Joshua 1:9

7 Matt 10:24,25 Followers experience our Savior’s persecution. Christ followers are not promised financial wealth, physical health, a comfortable life, or any other self- serving reality. We humbly offer our head, heart, and hands as a living sacrifice of praise to the Lord. Application

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