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COLLEGE MAGAZINE RESEARCH A few examples of College Magazines to derive inspiration for my Preliminary Task.

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1 COLLEGE MAGAZINE RESEARCH A few examples of College Magazines to derive inspiration for my Preliminary Task.

2 This is a prospectus from Colchester Sixth Form College. It is a modern product and is targeted at a young student audience. The front cover contains little text and rather focuses on the students which I think is effective because, ultimately, one of the most important things about a college is its students. I thought that the use of photograph was very effective because it contains a diverse representation of the students who attend this college. There are girls, boys and different ethnicities and cultures all displayed in one photo which makes the college look accepting and modern. The extensive use of white space also enhances the photograph and connotes that this college is not hectic or chaotic, but relaxed, spacious and inviting. The mast head is in a clear sans-serif font which is easy for the audience to read. The colours are neutral and inviting.

3 The contents page is extremely boring and unimaginative. Although it is easy to read, it doesn’t catch the eye- I believe it would be overlooked by most readers. The lack of images I think creates a boring feel and does not add to the reading experience.

4 Suffolk One Magazine The masthead of this magazine is eye catching and bold and therefore attracts the audience. The image connotes happiness and youth and is therefore attractive to a young audience. Here, the mode of address is informal and appeals to a young audience from the use of the phrase ‘friend zone’ The use of a banner here stands out and alerts the audience to this advertisement of a scholarship which is directly aimed at students. The red font stands out and matches well with the masthead.

5 The images here are very effective and relate directly to the stories contained in the contents page. They establish what this issue will contain. The columns are also pleasing to the eye and make the text easier to read; as if there isn’t as much to take in, drawing the audience to read the page. The font is spaced out and the colour scheme is professional, yet creates spontaneous effects as the purple is dotted about the page.

6 This headline attracts us to the magazine immediately due to the large, bold font. The spacing connotes maturity. An over the shoulder shot is used effectively to relate the magazine to the type of college Welbeck is- a Defense College.

7 Although this is not the most colourful of contents pages, it is effective in connoting the seriousness of the college. The font style and choice of colour creates a professional, military picture of the college which is probably exactly what it wants to achieve. However, I do not think this would effectively grab an audience unless they were initially interested in Defense colleges.

8 This headline is engaging due to the unique font. It creates an edgy feel and this would appeal to students who were interested in a college with something special to offer. The brick background with graffiti of a leaf connotes rebelliousness but also youth, because a leaf is normally associated with new life and new beginnings. This could be appealing to students because with starting a new college often comes the prospect of new friends, new lessons and new lifestyles.

9 Sixth Sense contents page is extremely easy on the eye and therefore easy to read. The photographs of students in classrooms with friends connotes an easy going learning experience and therefore would be extremely appealing to any students looking for a laid back atmosphere of study.

10 This is my least favourite front cover. I dislike the colour scheme and the photograph. I find that it is too ‘in your face’ and the close up mid shot distracts us from any of the cover lines or features. The purple colour of the font does not attract the eye and the differing fonts makes it look as if there is too much going on in the cover. Solihull Sixth Form

11 I dislike the lines used in this contents page. They look unprofessional and as if the page has not yet been finished. However, the large numbers are a good way to set out the content of the magazine.

12 This is my favourite cover of all of the magazines. The font is mature and spaced out as well as bold which alerts the reader and makes them feel as if they are reading a professional magazine. The photograph is extremely inventive and unique- the reader would be automatically impressed with this shot as it connotes eccentricity and individuality because no other college magazines would choose to put this shot on their cover. DLD College London

13 I think that this is a great contents page because the font coincides with the professional feel of the headline on the cover. The way that the editors choose to space out and categorize the content of the magazine is very effective and makes the reader feel as if they are organized just through the simple structural layout. One improvement would be for the page to include some pictures so that the reader could relate what they are reading with real people in order for them to visualise themselves doing whatever this college has to offer.

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