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Desensitized! Scriptural “Sensitivity” Training! 1.

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1 Desensitized! Scriptural “Sensitivity” Training! 1

2 Desensitized! “…to make emotionally insensitive or callous; specifically: to extinguish an emotional response (as of fear, anxiety, or guilt) to stimuli that formerly induced it” Merriam-Webster Online Merriam-Webster Online

3 3 Desensitized! To render insensitive or less sensitive. To make emotionally insensitive or unresponsive, as by long exposure or repeated shocks:  “This movie in effect may re-sensitize people who thought they were desensitized to violence”.  Source:

4 4 Have we lost the Battle? “Far from living in a world elsewhere, the faithful in the United States are remarkably like everyone else” … in the battle between faith and culture, “American culture has triumphed.” - Alan Wolfe How We Actually Live Our Faith

5 Example of Insensitivity Parable of the good Samaritan  Luke 10:25-37  Priest & Levite were insensitive to the needs of the man who was robbed and beaten! Key Lesson  Be sensitive to our “neighbor”!  Ex 20:12-17  Matt. 22:34-40

6 Desensitized! When God’s people are not sensitive to sin! Jer. 6:15; 1 Tim. 4:2; Heb. 3:12-13 3

7 7 Why do we become desensitized to sin & error? Lack knowledge - Hos. 4:6  Teach…Learn -Eph. 4:20-21; Heb. 5:12-14 Failure to put off the old man of sin - Eph. 4:17-24  Transform mind - Rom. 12:2; Eph. 4:23

8 8 Why do we become desensitized to sin & error? Influence of worldliness - Influence of worldliness - 1 Cor. 15:33 (Prov. 6:27)  Beware of the faithless deceit of sin - Heb. 3:12-13  Not love the world - 1 Jno. 2:15-17  Do not pitch our tents toward Sodom - (Gen. 13:12-13)

9 9 Why do we become desensitized to sin & error Why do we become desensitized to sin & error? Complacency toward God & His will - Complacency toward God & His will - Zeph. 1:12  Wake up! Rom. 13:11-12 Obstinate rebellion - Obstinate rebellion - Heb. 3:7-11; 10:26-27  Fear God & obey Him - Heb. 10:31 (Prov. 1:7; 9:10)

10 10 Renew Our Sensitivity Toward Immodest Dress It is Sin - It is Sin - 1 Tim. 2:9-10 (Prov. 7:10; Jer. 6:15)  Modest (kosmios): “Orderly, well-arranged, decent...”  Shamefastness (aidos): “A sense of shame”  Sobriety (sophrosune) - “Soundness of mind… sound judgment” Ephesians 4:22-24

11 11 Renew Our Sensitivity Toward Immodest Dress Applications include: Applications include:  Revealing clothing (dresses, blouses, midriffs & mini-skirts)  Underclothes  Short shorts  Skin tight pants  Shirtless (men)

12 12 Renew Our Sensitivity Toward Profanity Euphemisms, Eph. 4:29 Euphemisms, Eph. 4:29  “the substitution of a mild, indirect, or vague expression for one thought to be offensively blunt or harsh” (Webster’s) Ephesians 4:22-24

13 13 Such Euphemisms Include… Gee; Geez (Jesus) Gee; Geez (Jesus) Gosh; Golly (God) Gosh; Golly (God) Lordy (Oh, Lord) Lordy (Oh, Lord) Heck (h__l) Heck (h__l) Blue blazes (slang for h__l) Blue blazes (slang for h__l) Darn; Dang (to curse, da_n) Darn; Dang (to curse, da_n) Shoot (s__t) Shoot (s__t) Dog gone (God d__n) Dog gone (God d__n)

14 14 Our Speech Should Be… Sound - Titus 2:8 Gracious & seasoned  Col. 4:6 Truth in love - Eph. 4:15, 25 Plain; bold - 2 Cor. 3:12; 7:4 As the words of God  1 Peter 4:11

15 15 Renew Our Sensitivity Toward Fornication Adultery; “Shacking up”; homosexuality - 1 Cor. 6:9-11  Common in entertainment  Humor…Personalities… Accepted by Most! Flee fornication! - 1 Cor. 6:18

16 16 Renew Our Sensitivity Toward Doctrinal Error Endure sound doctrine  2 Tim. 4:3-4  “Truth is relative”  “Nobody agrees on everything”  “Everybody does something without Bible authority”  “Stop judging others”  Need to be more tolerant! Maintain pure teaching and living 2 Tim. 1:13 Gal. 1:6-10 2 Jno. 9-11 Rom. 16:17 2 Tim. 1:13 Gal. 1:6-10 2 Jno. 9-11 Rom. 16:17

17 17 Renew Our Sensitivity Toward Lost Souls Try to save some with sound doctrine Try to save some with sound doctrine  Matt. 9:36-38  Conscious (He “saw” them)  Compassion (moved Him)  Commitment (toward them) We must properly value lost souls - Matt. 16:26

18 Desensitized! When we become to sin & error we will certainly lose our souls! When we become desensitized to sin & error we will certainly lose our souls! John 17:14-19 15

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