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Use your phone or a computer to answer the following: South America has 4 of the world’s 5 rivers with the greatest amount of water. Name them. What city,

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Presentation on theme: "Use your phone or a computer to answer the following: South America has 4 of the world’s 5 rivers with the greatest amount of water. Name them. What city,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Use your phone or a computer to answer the following: South America has 4 of the world’s 5 rivers with the greatest amount of water. Name them. What city, in Tierra del Fuego province in Argentina, is the southernmost city in the world? What is the cape at the southern tip of South America called? What country is the world’s leading exporter of bananas?

2 Introduction to the Human Geography of South America World Geography

3 quipu: knotted cords of various lengths and colors used by the Inca to keep financial records quipu: cuerdas anudadas de varias longitudes y colores que los incas usaban para llevar sus registros financieros

4 brain drain: the loss of highly educated and skilled workers to other countries fuga de talentos: migración de trabajadores altamente calificados e instruidos hacia otros países

5 uneven development: condition in which some places do not benefit as much as others from social and economic advancement desarrollo desigual: condición por la que algunos lugares no se benefician de los avances sociales y económicos tanto como otros

6 subsistence farming: farming that provides the basic needs of a family with little surplus agricultura de subsistencia: tipo de agricultura que proporciona lo suficiente para cubrir las necesidades básicas de una familia, con poco excedente

7 commercial farming: growing large quantities of crops or livestock in order to sell them for a profit agricultura comercial: producción de grandes cantidades de cultivos o ganado para obtener ganancias

8 Petroleum – oil

9 History of South America First inhabitants were hunter-gatherers from Asia Farming potatoes & maize allowed civilizations to develop Incas established empire on western coast

10 History of South America Spanish conquered Incas in early 1500s Spain controlled most of the continent Portugal controlled much of what is Brazil today

11 History of South America Late 1700s Latin Americans began rebelling against European rulers Simón Bolivar: Liberated Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, and Colombia By 1825 most of Latin America rid of colonial rule

12 History of South America Military dictators ruled South America until recent years Cared little about human rights or welfare Still unstable governments Still low living standards

13 Population Population growing fast – tripled from 1950 – 2008 Becoming more urbanized – 1950 = 50% urban population, now 75% = urban population Mostly Christian, Catholicism is dominant

14 Economic Activity Resources Minerals are an important resource Today SA known for energy resources

15 Economic Activity Land Use While some parts are industrialized, Farming and Ranching important Commercial farming of coffee on large plantations in Brazil & Colombia Forestry – harvesting wood for building materials and fuel

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