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The need to eliminate teacher tenure By Jessica Mittelstaedt.

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1 The need to eliminate teacher tenure By Jessica Mittelstaedt

2  What is Teacher Tenure? Pros:  Get to keep a job. Cons:  Can’t be fired! – Even if they are a terrible teacher!  It costs thousands of dollars to fire tenure teachers.  Teachers get lazy. Status granted to a teacher after a probationary period, indicating that the position or employment is permanent.

3   Teachers should not be allowed to administer state evaluation tests to their own students.  Conduct in class must be of a professional manner; no sleeping while on the Job!  Teacher evaluations should be done more often and on a surprise basis.  Teachers should be evaluated on the support and help that they give to students, and not simply a score. Changes in the evaluation process

4   Principals must have support in hiring and firing substandard teachers.  Aggressively challenge teacher unions.  Support the decision to fire lemons.  Stop “the dance of the lemons!”, the transfer of teachers from one school to the next passing the problem. = Take accountability

5  Teacher unions Detroit School System  Poor minority graduation rates  Restrictions placed by union teachers  Pupil test scores not used in evaluations

6   American education system is falling behind when compared to other country's.  Low graduation rate for minorities  Inner cities are struggling to reform and raise standards  Teachers are not the only factor that affects education, but they are the most affective and should be the easiest one’s to fix. The need for change

7  Teacher unions New Orleans School System  Hurricane Katrina washed away what was one of the nation's worst school systems and started fresh with new energetic ideas – without tenure.  Uses teacher performance based on pupil test scores.  Uses charter schools without union teachers.  Requires parent and teacher support for pupils.

8   Teacher unions resist all forms of change – We shouldn’t need to have a hurricane to fix the tenure problem.  More than one type of evaluation should characterize an educator  What defines a “good or great teacher” from the “Bad worm in the apple teacher” Or Change

9  It costs thousands to fire a tenure teacher.

10   We need to eliminate teacher tenure!  Reconstruct our system so that: A. You can fire lemon teachers B. keep great teachers who deserve to stay. C. Children don’t have to struggle by lemons and enjoy learning. Thank You Conclusion

11   "I Did Not Slow Down Once I Got Tenure." Chronicle of Higher Education 57.18 (2011): D15. MasterFILE Premier. EBSCO. Web. 28 Mar. 2011.  Knowles, Timothy. “The Trouble With Teacher Tenure.” The Wall Street Journal 18 June, 2010. Web. 25 Mar. 2011.  Olson, Elizabeth G. “American teachers under attack.” 23 Mar. 2011. Web. 25 March 2011.  Register, Sam. et al. "Why we can't get rid of failing teachers." Newsweek (Pacific Edition) 155.11 (2010): 30. MasterFILE Premier. EBSCO. Web. 27 Mar. 2011.  Zirkel, Perry A. "Teacher Tenure Is Not the Real Problem." Phi Delta Kappan 92.1 (2010): 76-77. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 28 Mar. 2011. Works Cited

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