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Lesson XXXIV Present Passive Infinitives Translation practice.

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1 Lesson XXXIV Present Passive Infinitives Translation practice

2 Present Passive Infinitives You have already learned the present active infinitive. It’s the 2 nd principal part of the verb: portare: to carry docere: to teach munire: to fortify

3 Present Passive Infinitives Now it’s time to learn the present passive infinitive. It’s easy! Just change the final –e to an –i: portari: to be carried doceri: to be taught muniri: to be fortified

4 Present Passive Infinitives The only verbs that DO NOT follow that simple rule are 3 rd conjugation. Remember that they always cause trouble and do things a little differently… These are the –o/–ere verbs, like these: pono, ponere duco, ducere

5 Present Passive Infinitives Instead of changing the –re to –ri, 3 rd conjugation verbs go nuts and chop off their ENTIRE -ere, then replace it with just an –i! ducere: to lead duci: to be led ponere: to place poni: to be placed

6 Present Passive Infinitives But aside from the nutty 3 rd conjugations, present passive infinitives are pretty easy to recognize and translate. VERBPresent Act. Inf.Present Passive Inf. amo, amare: amare---to love amari: to be loved moneo, monere: monere---to warn moneri: to be warned rego, regere: regere---to rule regi---to be ruled audio, audire: audire---to hear audiri---to be heard

7 Present Act. Inf. amo, amare: amare--- to love moneo, monere: monere---to warn rego, regere: regere--- to rule audio, audire: audire--- to hear Present Passive Inf. amari: to be loved moneri: to be warned regi---to be ruled audiri---to be heard

8 liberi, liberorum (m. pl.) children

9 superbia, superbiae (f.) pride, arrogance

10 primus, prima, primum: primary, primitive first

11 superbus, superba, superbum: superb proud, arrogant

12 adsum, adesse, adfui, adfuturus: be near, be present

13 educo, educere, eduxi, eductus: lead out

14 Interficio, interficere, interfeci, interfectus: kill

15 permitto, permittere, permisi, permissus: let go through, allow, entrust (w/dative)

16 remaneo, remanere, remansi, remansurus: stay behind, remain

17 tamen: nevertheless

18 Present Active Infinitive TranslationPresent Passive Infinitive Translation convocare liberare augere merere iubere scribere trahere afficere cupere audire

19 Present Active Infinitive TranslationPresent Passive Infinitive Translation convocareto call togetherconvocarito be called together liberareto set freeliberarito be set free augereto increaseaugerito be increased merereto deserve/earnmererito be deserved iubereto orderiuberito be ordered scribereto writescribito be written trahereto dragtrahito be dragged afficereto affect/afflictafficito be affected cupereto desire/wishcupito be desired audireto hearaudirito be heard

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