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TT Network Meeting – WP3 Methods for measuring TT– Geneva, April 10th, 2008 CERN TT Network WP3: Methods for measuring TT activities and results.

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Presentation on theme: "TT Network Meeting – WP3 Methods for measuring TT– Geneva, April 10th, 2008 CERN TT Network WP3: Methods for measuring TT activities and results."— Presentation transcript:

1 TT Network Meeting – WP3 Methods for measuring TT– Geneva, April 10th, 2008 CERN TT Network WP3: Methods for measuring TT activities and results

2 TT Network Meeting – WP3 Methods for measuring TT– Geneva, April 10th, 2008 WP3 Measuring TT - Organisational WP Convenors: Katharina Henjes-Kunst (DESY, DE) Marcel Sobermann & Pascal Dargent (CNRS/ IN2P3, FR) WP Participants: CERN CNRS/ IN2P3 Copenhagen University DESY, DE EPFL, CH INFN & Universita degli Studi dell´Insubria, IT WP Duration: Start M 1, end M 18

3 TT Network Meeting – WP3 Methods for measuring TT– Geneva, April 10th, 2008 WP 3: Measuring TT - content Aim of WP: Investigate, define and classify a set of criteria to measure TT activities Analyze these criteria for the TT Network members ==> Discussion: What is the scope of TT activities - pure TT or also Collaborative Research, Services, Education? Deliverables: M 12 - list of quantitative and qualitative criteria/indicators Milestone - Workshop with the evaluation of M 12 M 18 - final list with evaluation of how the criteria fit to TT network

4 TT Network Meeting – WP3 Methods for measuring TT– Geneva, April 10th, 2008 WP 3: Measuring TT - literature Literature: CERN status report on TT activities Management of Intellectual Property in publicly-funded research organisations: towards European Guidelines CREST group: Cross-border collaborations report - 2006 Internal report of SCITECH-PPARC (?) Final ERID-Watch Report (October 08).... Please send all hints for literature to us!

5 TT Network Meeting – WP3 Methods for measuring TT– Geneva, April 10th, 2008 WP 3: Measuring TT - next steps 1) Gather further literature: Gather literature among all TT network partners Make it available for all WP 3 participants (Sharepoint?) 2) Meeting of WP Participants: Organize a first meeting of all WP participants - topics: scope, workplan, tasks, timeframe, literature (May 08, Hamburg?) 3) Description of work: Prepare a detailled description of work after first meeting

6 TT Network Meeting – WP3 Methods for measuring TT– Geneva, April 10th, 2008 WP 3: Measuring TT - contact For further ideas/ questions...: Katharina Henjes-Kunst +49 40 8998 5342 Marcel Soberman +33 1 4496 43 18

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