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Promotion Equivalency Workshop. Overview What is a promotion equivalency? Who should pursue a promotion equivalency? What is a promotion equivalency plan?

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Presentation on theme: "Promotion Equivalency Workshop. Overview What is a promotion equivalency? Who should pursue a promotion equivalency? What is a promotion equivalency plan?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Promotion Equivalency Workshop

2 Overview What is a promotion equivalency? Who should pursue a promotion equivalency? What is a promotion equivalency plan? What is the promotion equivalency process? Practical brainstorming Q/A Summary of the workshop

3 What is a promotion equivalency Primary purpose – an alternative to traditional graduate degrees towards eligibility for promotion Recognizes advanced work in fields in which no graduate degrees are offered Recognizes advanced work in your academic discipline Recognizes interim studies towards an advanced degree

4 Alternative to a traditional graduate degree Credit for emerging fields of instruction Example – Massage therapy Credit for specialized fields Example – Aviation Example – Interior Design

5 Advanced work in which graduate programs are rare Specialized areas of instruction Example – Digital Design Example – Criminal Justice Example – Labor Studies

6 Advanced scholarly or creative work in your discipline Professional publication Example – articles and books in peer reviewed journals Example – publication of creative writing Performances Example – professional musical performances Artistic presentations Example – professional photographic exhibitions Example – prior professional work not used for hiring or earlier promotion – web site design

7 Interim studies Graduate credit earned in courses related to your academic discipline, but not leading to a degree Graduate credit earned towards a terminal degree, but the completion extends beyond time of eligibility for promotion (this is rare).

8 Not recommended Broad, general education disciplines with one master’s degree in disciplines where second masters’ and/or terminal degrees proliferate. (e.g. English, Math, History) Unless you’ve completed significant scholarship/creative work that supports your professional assignment. You’ve done wonderful work not related to your professional assignment (e.g. English faculty who is a yoga master)

9 What is a promotion equivalency plan? The plan outlines your goals to achieving academic eligibility for a promotion The plan includes past accomplishments The plan includes future goals to meet promotion eligibility requirements Future scholarship Intended graduate courses, CEU, certificate programs We encourage you to think in the long term: match your term of service at the college with your academic eligibility…one year from now – four years from now.

10 Process Outline your goals and consult with a member of the PEC for guidance and feedback Consult with your department chair and dean when the plan takes shape Plans should be submitted to the PEC by April 1 The PEC will review and return your plan with approval or suggestions for improvement When you have completed your plan, submit the final documentation to PEC for verification for the next step in the promotion process Save the verification for your promotion exhibit.

11 Final notes PEC documents are on the CCBC SharePoint site: Go to Instruction Go to documents Go to Promotion and Equivalency documents PEC policy Plan PEC Tip Sheet, which includes a list of the PEC members

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