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LVDT & RVDT End of World War II. Linear Variable Differential Transformer(LVDT)

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Presentation on theme: "LVDT & RVDT End of World War II. Linear Variable Differential Transformer(LVDT)"— Presentation transcript:

1 LVDT & RVDT End of World War II

2 Linear Variable Differential Transformer(LVDT)


4 LVDT & RVDT Comparison LVDT Measurement ranges are ±100µm to ±25cm Sensitivity is 2.4mv per volt per degree of rotation Input voltages are from 1V to 24V RMS, with frequencies 50Hz- 0kHz RVDT Typical RVDTs are linear over a range of about ±40º Sensitivity is 2 to 3mV per volt per degree of rotation Input voltages in the range of 3V RMS at frequencies between 400Hz and 20kHz.

5 Advantages Infinite Resolution High accuracy and sensitivity Excellent linearity ( 0.5%) A wide variety of measurement ranges LVDT

6 Application Modern Machine-tool Robotics Avionics & aircraft Process control industry Torpedo, and weapons systems.

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