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Dialectical Journal, Discussion Questions, and Panel.

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Presentation on theme: "Dialectical Journal, Discussion Questions, and Panel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dialectical Journal, Discussion Questions, and Panel.

2 How to Pick Quotes: -Discussion starters* -Important statistics, facts, or trends. -Statements that you agree with or disagree with. -Statements that you have questions about. -Statements or ideas that relate to how that institution affects us sociologically. -Provocative statements. -Summaries of important concepts in the articles

3 How to Respond to Quotes Discuss*—how does this relate to sociology? To your assigned institution? What further questions could you ask about this statistic/idea/fact? Question – ask about something in the passage that is unclear Connect – make a connection to your life, the world, or what we’ve learning about in sociology(suggestion: have your yellow terms sheet handy) Reflect – think about the broad implications of the quoted idea/statistic. Evaluate - make a judgment about what the author is trying to say Personal Connection—How have you seen this in your life? How does this relate to you? Elaborate—expand on what the author is saying.

4 Dialectical Journal Example “A third of adults under 30 have no religious affiliation (32 percent), compared with just one-in-ten who are 65 and older (9 percent),” Pew reported. “And young adults today are much more likely to be unaffiliated than previous generations were at a similar stage in their lives.” Source: religion-in-the-US-today-tracks-closely-with-geography Interesting… if the importance of religion continues to decline, what institutions will replace the church’s social function? Where will people be married? Will they still use ministers to perform funerals? Church can also be a place where people find community, encouragement, and meaning—what institutions might people turn to if they do not turn to churches to serve those functions? What other institutions serve those purposes?

5 Discussion Questions: -Must provide the background necessary to answer the question. -Must be open-ended and debatable and related to sociology. -Example: According to the PEW foundation, religious affiliation is less prevalent among young people than previous generations—if religious affiliation is declining, what institutions, if any, will replace the role the church has played in previous generations(marriage, burial, community, etc…)? What essential roles has church played for society? Predict what institutions might fulfill those roles if people are no longer turning to churches.

6 With Your Panel…. You will have 15 minutes Your goal: lead the class in a meaningful conversation about your institution and sociology. With your panel provided detailed answers on a separate sheet of paper to these three questions: – What order makes the most sense to discuss our articles in? – How do these articles relate to each other? – How do these articles relate to the bookwork?

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