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March 24, 2015 Legislative Update. Page  2 Tuition Tax Credits, Vouchers (H.3072)  Provides nonprofit scholarship funding to provide grants for defraying.

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Presentation on theme: "March 24, 2015 Legislative Update. Page  2 Tuition Tax Credits, Vouchers (H.3072)  Provides nonprofit scholarship funding to provide grants for defraying."— Presentation transcript:

1 March 24, 2015 Legislative Update

2 Page  2 Tuition Tax Credits, Vouchers (H.3072)  Provides nonprofit scholarship funding to provide grants for defraying educational costs for exceptional needs children  Provides tax credits for individuals or businesses that make contributions made to nonprofit scholarship funding  H.3072 Introduced and referred to House Committee on Ways and Means (1/13/15)

3 Page  3 Appointed State Superintendent of Education (H.3041)  Amend Constitution of South Carolina to delete State Superintendent of Education from list of elected state officers  Provide that State Superintendent of Education be appointed by Governor  H.3041 Reported out Favorably by House Committee on Judiciary (1/28/15) Debate on House Floor started and adjourned until 3/24/15 (3/19/15)

4 Page  4 Freedom of Information Act (S.11 and H.3192)  Public body must give written public notice, including time and location, of regular meetings at beginning of each calendar year  Public body must provide agenda for all regularly scheduled meetings in a publicly accessible place (e.g., bulletin board at meeting place, website, etc.)  No additional agenda items can be added without an additional twenty-four hours notice to the public  Agenda items added later than twenty-four hours before the meeting can only be added by two-thirds vote of the body, only if an emergency exists  S.11 Reported out Favorably by Senate Committee on Judiciary (1/28/15) Approved and read third time by Senate (2/3/15 ) Introduced in House and referred to House Committee on Judiciary (2/4/15)  H.3192 Reported out Favorably by House Committee on Judiciary (2/11/15) Approved and read third time by House (2/17/15) Introduced in Senate and referred to Senate Committee on Judiciary (2/18/15)

5 Page  5 Freedom of Information Act (H.3191)  Cut Freedom of Information Act request time from fifteen days to ten days  Establishes “Office of Freedom of Information” within Administrative Law Court to avoid lawsuits  Sets limits on cost for document search and copies  H.3191 Reported out Favorably by House Committee on Judiciary (2/11/15) Approved and read third time by House (2/18/15) Introduced in Senate and referred to Senate Committee on Judiciary (2/24/15)

6 Page  6 South Carolina Jobs, Education and Tax Act (H.3672)  Developed over the past few years by coalition of education groups  Goal is to provide equitable, stable, and sound revenue source for public schools  Will bring transparency and simplification of education funding  Property tax relief for business, manufacturing and non- owner occupied properties  H.3672 Introduced and referred to House Committee on Ways and Means (2/17/15)

7  Teacher of the Year Honor Court Rosalyn Greene, Jackson Middle Latrece Quattlebaum, Schofield Middle Megan Scholer, South Aiken High Amy Wingate, Aiken High Jeremy Rinder, Hammond Hill 7 Our Aiken County Schools are Succeeding!

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