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Belonging. We all belong to different groups? Do you belong to any groups?

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Presentation on theme: "Belonging. We all belong to different groups? Do you belong to any groups?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Belonging

2 We all belong to different groups?

3 Do you belong to any groups?

4 What are Rainbows? The Rainbow Jigsaw has four areas: Look Learn Laugh Love Look: at the wider world, perhaps through crafts or games from around the globe, or learning about festivals from other cultures. Learn: Rainbows learn by taking part in a wide range of activities such as trying out crafts and recipes, playing games and visiting local places of interest. A representative from the RSPCA might come to a meeting to talk about looking after pets or a police officer might come to explain to the girls about road safety. Laugh: Rainbows have lots of fun. Meetings involve games, songs, parties, celebrations and making a mess! Girls love sleepovers too! Love: Through Rainbows, girls learn about caring and sharing with family and friends, working together, fair play, and being considerate and helpful to others.

5 What are Beavers? Easily recognised by their distinctive turquoise sweatshirts, Beaver Scouts enjoy making friends, playing games, going on visits and helping others. They usually meet together once a week in a Beaver Scout Colony.

6 The Brownie Adventure has three areas: you community world You: Brownies build friendships and learn to share with others by working together in small groups called 'Sixes'. They get a say in what happens at Brownies through discussions or 'Pow-wows', which help them develop decision-making skills and the ability to put their views across. Community: by helping them understand and participate in their communities. This could mean raising money for charities or visiting local places of interest. World: Our programme encourages girls to learn about the wider world. Activities could involve celebrating a festival from a different culture, finding out about endangered animal species, or learning how they can combat climate change. What are Brownies?

7 There are loads of fun things that you can do as a Cub Scout. You will get a chance to try lots of different activities like swimming, music, exploring, computing and collecting. If you do them properly you will get a badge which you can wear on your uniform. Cub Scouts also get to go on trips and days out, to places like the zoo, theme parks or a farm. Sometimes you will be able to go camping with the rest of your Pack. This will mean you sleeping in a tent and doing loads of outdoor activities. What are Cubs?


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