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George Washington’s Socks Chapters 11-16

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1 George Washington’s Socks Chapters 11-16
By Elvira Woodruff

2 Review Important Locations
Google Tour of Important Places Delaware River

3 Important Locations (cont.)
Battle at Trenton:

4 Vocabulary ~ Chapter 11 Expedition
is a noun that means a major trip taken by several people for a particular purpose. Expeditions can be to explore. There are scientific expeditions. The military sometimes makes expeditions during wartime.

5 Vocabulary ~ Chapter 11 Casualties
is a noun that means people who are killed or injured during war. After a battle, there are often many casualties.

6 Chapter 11 Listen as your teacher reads Chapter 11 First Focus:
Listen to the details about the Battle of Trenton as your teacher reads Chapter 11.

7 Chapter 11 Answer all questions with 7-Up sentences and use evidence from the text.
Table 1: Complete question 1 Matt is worried about getting home. Do you think he will get back home? Use evidence from the text. Table 2: Complete question The author compares George Washington and the way he puts his hand on the major’s shoulder to Matt’s dad, who did the same thing to matt. Why do you think the author did that? Table 3: Complete question 3 Who was Henry Knox? What was his role in the American Revolution? Table 4: Complete question 4 How do you think the weather affected the soldiers on their march to Trenton? When you are finished with your question, try to answer the other questions.

8 Chapter 11- Review Class Discussion
Does the reading of this chapter give you a different view of the Battle of Trenton? How does this chapter change what you were thinking about the battle of Trenton? Does this book help you to understand what the soldiers where going through?

9 Chapter 11 Sequencing Sequencing means to retell the main events of the story in the order they happened. Use the graphic organizer in your trifold to sequence the chapter. Then use your organizer to write a short paragraph retelling the chapter.

10 Chapter 12 First Focus: As we read today, pay attention to how Henry explains why his uniform does not match the others in the group. Listen closely to the details as you read Chapter 12 with a partner. After you read, fill out the Chapter 12 section in your trifold. Be prepared to share with the class.

11 Chapter 12- review Review by discussing answers in trifold about chapter 12 Students will reread chapter 12 with a partner and answer questions in Reading packet.

12 Vocabulary ~ Chapter 13 Frantic
an adjective that means wild with fear or worry. You might feel frantic if a tornado was coming. A mother who has lost her child would look everywhere frantically. **Frantically is the adverb form.

13 Vocabulary ~ Chapter 13 Huddle
is a verb that means to move close together. People waiting out in the cold might huddle together for warmth. In football, players huddle to decide what play to run. The word could be a noun: The players stand together in a huddle -- the noun form is the same.

14 Chapter 13 First Focus – Discussion
The soldiers are marching toward Trenton. It is dark and cold and snowing. Men march with their heads down. Israel is sick and is having trouble keeping up. As we read together, pay close attention to the events and how the author describes them. Read Chapter 13

15 Chapter 13 Answer all questions with 7-Up sentences
Table 1: Complete questions 1, 5 Table 2: Complete questions 2, 5 Table 3: Complete questions 3, 5 Table 4: Complete questions 4, 5 When you are finished with your questions: Try to answer the other questions in your packet. We will review them all tomorrow.

16 Chapter 13- review Evaluating Character Choices
Review questions from Chapter 13 GWS packet as a class Complete the trifold section for Chapter 13- Matt decides to stay with his friend Israel when he is in trouble. What are the dangers of this decision? Do you think Matt did the right thing?

17 Chapter 14 Why didn’t the officer do something to help Israel?
First Focus – Discussion Why didn’t the officer do something to help Israel? Why could Henry leave Israel but Matthew couldn’t? When Matthew picked up his musket to leave, Israel woke up. Do you think Matthew would have left if Israel had continued sleeping? Do you think Israel knows he is dying? Why was it important for Matthew to try to get the glass beads to Israel’s sister?

18 Chapter 14 Listen as your teacher reads Chapter 14.
Answer the question for Chapter 14 in your packet with a partner

19 Character Traits- Review
In your group, use the book to fill out the character traits about the following characters in the book. Be sure to use evidence from the text. You will share your answers with the class. George Washington Henry Shudder Israel Gates Matthew Carlton

20 Chapter 15 First Focus – Discussion/review How do you think Matt felt when he woke up and realized Israel had died? What would have happened if Nathan Hornbee hadn’t found him? What do you think of Nathan Hornbee for helping Matt and bringing him to his farm? Why did Mrs. Hornbee frown and call to her husband when she saw that Matthew was awake?

21 Chapter 15 First Focus – Before Reading Mr. Hornbee’s wife refuses to let Matthew stay in their house for fear of being accused of harboring the enemy. Mr. Hornbee lets Matthew ride on his mule so that he can catch up with the other soldiers. As we read together, pay attention to how the Hornbees think carefully as they try to help him. Read Chapter 15 and answer the questions from the packet

22 Chapter Review Compare/Contrast In the last two chapters we discover many things about colonial life. Using the Venn Diagram, in your trifold, compare Matt’s life in the 20th Century to the life he is experiencing now. (Be sure to think about clothing, food, homes, etc.)

23 Chapter 16 First Focus: Matthew sees two Indians pointing a tomahawk and a bow and arrow at him but then hears his camping friends’ voices. As we read together, let’s focus on these exciting events. Read Chapter 16 and answer the questions from your packet.

24 Chapter 16- reread Let’s review:
What is the main goal of the soldiers? What are they trying to do? Why did Matthew close his eyes when he first saw the Indians? How do you think he feels when he hears his friends’ voices? Why do you think the Indians helped the campers? Why do you think the Hessians took Q and Katie? What do you think the boys will do now?

25 Chapter 16- reread The soldiers find the rowboat but think it’s too small. As you reread with your partner, put yourself in the soldiers’ place. Think about what they must be thinking and how they are planning. Then answer the text-to-self connection question in your trifold. Be sure to connect your answer with Matt’s experience in the story.

26 Let’s review by listening to the summaries of the story
Chapter Summary Chapter summary (vimeo)

27 Chapter Summary Chapter summary (vimeo) Chapter Summary Reading chapters: (read alouds) Chapter 1 (5:24) Chapter 2 Chapter 3 (5:01) Chapter 4 (6:15) Chapter 5 (9:04) Chapter 6 (5:08) Chapter 7 (6:36) Chapter 8 (10:30) Chapter 9 (10:21) Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 (7:27) Chapter 13 (9:14) Chapter 14 (8:31) Chapter 15 (16:13) Chapter 16 Chapter 17 (14:04) Chapter 18 (11:14) Chapter 19 (14:12)

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