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Welcome! to Physical Geography (Geog 1414). Syllabus is on-line at:

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! to Physical Geography (Geog 1414). Syllabus is on-line at:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! to Physical Geography (Geog 1414)

2 Syllabus is on-line at:

3 What is Physical Geography? What is Geography?

4 an integrative discipline synthesizes ideas from other disciplines

5 Why what is where and so what?

6 Geographic Perspectives: 1.Spatial viewpoint 2. Synthesis 3. Representation

7 place space scale 1. Spatial Viewpoint

8 New Orleans before and after

9 place space scale


11 place space scale




15 Geographic Perspectives: 1.Spatial viewpointSpatial viewpoint 2. Synthesis 3. RepresentationRepresentation

16 2. Synthesis Geography spans natural (physical / life) sciences and social (human / cultural) sciences.

17 Physical Geography climatology biogeography geomorphology soils geography hydrogeography political geography economic geography historical geography population geography Human Geography

18 Geographic Perspectives: 1.Spatial viewpoint 2. Synthesis 3. Representation


20 Physical Geography considers the surface of the earth and the interactions of the four realms that shape the surface: atmosphere lithosphere hydrosphere biosphere


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