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GLAST LAT ProjectPeer Review & CDR Preparation Document: LAT-PR-00771-04 1 Preparation Schedule Subsystems Peer Reviews –ACD January 7-8, 2003 –CALMarch.

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Presentation on theme: "GLAST LAT ProjectPeer Review & CDR Preparation Document: LAT-PR-00771-04 1 Preparation Schedule Subsystems Peer Reviews –ACD January 7-8, 2003 –CALMarch."— Presentation transcript:

1 GLAST LAT ProjectPeer Review & CDR Preparation Document: LAT-PR-00771-04 1 Preparation Schedule Subsystems Peer Reviews –ACD January 7-8, 2003 –CALMarch 17-18, 2003 –Elec/DAQ/PWR/Flt SW March 19-20, 2003 –TKRMarch 24-25, 2003 –MechMarch 26-27, 2003 –I&T March 28, 2003 Walk Through Review –Combined LAT IPO and GSFC Project Office chart walk through to be performed in the week of April 8–9 CDR –Material available 4/18/03 for transmittal This is 7 work days prior to review date per CDRL 306 –Review Dates 4/29 – 5/2/03 (1 month after completion of last Peer Review)

2 GLAST LAT ProjectPeer Review & CDR Preparation Document: LAT-PR-00771-04 2 GSFC CDR Guideline Paragraph 4.3 from the GSFC System Review Office Guideline

3 GLAST LAT ProjectPeer Review & CDR Preparation Document: LAT-PR-00771-04 3 Entrance & Exit Criteria Design Status  Demonstrate evolution & heritage of “Final Design”  Demonstrate compliance of system performance  Closure of Actions from PDR &  PDR  Complete ICDs  Final implementation plans –EM –Prototype –Flight Units –Spares  Complete design analysis Fabrication Status  Qualification/Environmental Test Plan and Flow  Ground Operations  Control methods for all safety hazards identified  FMEA  Worst case analysis  Fracture control  Shipping environment and mode of transportation

4 GLAST LAT ProjectPeer Review & CDR Preparation Document: LAT-PR-00771-04 4 CDR Check List PDR – CDR Check List Comparison (reference GSFC SRO Checklist)

5 GLAST LAT ProjectPeer Review & CDR Preparation Document: LAT-PR-00771-04 5 Breakdown of the CDR Check List for each Subsystem Check list is designed to provide a quick look of the project readiness for CDR

6 GLAST LAT ProjectPeer Review & CDR Preparation Document: LAT-PR-00771-04 6 CDR Check List (continued)

7 GLAST LAT ProjectPeer Review & CDR Preparation Document: LAT-PR-00771-04 7 Preparation Examples ACD has provided a website of their CDR preparation status I encourage everyone to view posted material, including the CDR Dry Run charts The following slides are examples for each Check List category presented in the ACD charts

8 GLAST LAT ProjectPeer Review & CDR Preparation Document: LAT-PR-00771-04 8 Closure of Action Items Identified action items from PDR and  PDR Show status and closure of NASA GSFC action items AI# 2. Perform light yield tests and muon detection efficiency measurement of the final optical system (scintillator tiles; and fiber ribbons, connector, clear fibers, and photomultiplier tubes). Complete – results are similar to those shown in January: with two phototubes, 0.9997 efficiency is met; with one phototube, efficiency is ~ 0.999 Light output of Fermilab tiles is good. Light losses in the optical connector and clear fibers were higher than expected. Design improvements were made to compensate for these losses. LAT-TD-00843-D1, Design Qualification Tests for ACD TDA and Phototubes Show results Identify the action requested

9 GLAST LAT ProjectPeer Review & CDR Preparation Document: LAT-PR-00771-04 9 Design Specification Science/technical objectives and technical budgets Requirements & specifications metrics and flow down –All TBX (TBD, TBA, TBS, etc…) should be removed or addressed Drawing metrics –Number and percent complete of major assemblies and critical component drawings –Plans for completing the remaining drawings Identify key requirements

10 GLAST LAT ProjectPeer Review & CDR Preparation Document: LAT-PR-00771-04 10 Key Technical Budgets Technical Resources ACD Mass –Allocation 235 kg –ACD detailed estimate270 kg (15% over PDR allocation. LAT has been notified, CR is being submitted) ACD Power –Allocation31 W (conditioned) –ACD detailed estimate14 W max Thermal Interface (max dissipation across ASD- LAT interface) –Dissipation Allocation16 W –Dissipation Estimate<14 W Identified technical budgets, it’s allocation from LAT System, changes since PDR Show allocation flow down within the subsystem Show break down of allocation within subsystem

11 GLAST LAT ProjectPeer Review & CDR Preparation Document: LAT-PR-00771-04 11 Interface Control Document ICD and IDD are completed and signed –Identify major trades to accommodate design –Remaining open issues should have closure plan 24 identical robust circular connectors (38999, series 2) 2 circular housekeeping connectors (38999, series 2) Parts, pin outs, signal def, grounding all defined in ICD DATA Products Channel specific charged particle VETOs VETO hit maps PHAs Diagnostics Housekeeping (thermistor output, voltage monitor output, direct to AEM) DATA Products Channel specific charged particle VETOs VETO hit maps PHAs Diagnostics Housekeeping (thermistor output, voltage monitor output, direct to AEM) Show interfaces

12 GLAST LAT ProjectPeer Review & CDR Preparation Document: LAT-PR-00771-04 12 Analysis/Modeling/EM Reports Identify analysis and modeling performed since PDR –What are the impacts due to spacecraft/bus interface Highlight impact to analysis due to design change Highlight impact to design due to modeling change Efficiency measurement setup: M1, M2 - hardware trigger scintillators S1, S2, S3 - software trigger scintillators T1, and T2 - tested TDA’s  M1 S1 S2 T1 T2 S3 M2 Subject of the test - Fermilab made TDA prototypes (T1 and T2) equipped with clear fiber extensions and fiber-to-fiber connectors (made by GSFC) Up to 50% of the light created in the tile, is being lost during transportation to the PMT Provide example of EM testing –Identify objective and results Example from ACD

13 GLAST LAT ProjectPeer Review & CDR Preparation Document: LAT-PR-00771-04 13 Qualification/Environmental Test Plan Identify qualification and environmental test to be performed in accordance to LAT Verification and Test Plan ACD-LAT ICD Requirements and Verification Database ACD-LAT ICD Requirements and Verification Database Links between Requirements ACD Level III and IV Requirements Database ACD Level III and IV Requirements Database ACD Test Databases ACD Test Databases ACD Allocation Tables ACD Allocation Tables Show Flow Traceability Test & Verification Matrix

14 GLAST LAT ProjectPeer Review & CDR Preparation Document: LAT-PR-00771-04 14 Parts & FMEA/WCA Parts and qualification status FMEA/WCA/Fracture Control Example - Results of Qualification PMT’s acceptance test Identify status of qualification test

15 GLAST LAT ProjectPeer Review & CDR Preparation Document: LAT-PR-00771-04 15 Peer Review Agenda (Suggested)

16 GLAST LAT ProjectPeer Review & CDR Preparation Document: LAT-PR-00771-04 16 Suggested Peer Review Agenda (1/3)  Subsystem introduction & overview –Schedule summary –Critical path analysis  Subsystem engineering –Overview - identify major subsystem and interface design changes since  PDR CCB’s (approved since  PDR and pending) –Requirements and budget allocation updates –Subsystem ICDs, drawings, and procedures status –Subsystem performance analysis Simulation updates Design trades analysis performed Verification matrix Reliability results FMEA Worst case analysis or part stress results Fault tree analysis or single point failure analysis results –Subsystem technical risk assessment & mitigation plan –Engineering model assessment

17 GLAST LAT ProjectPeer Review & CDR Preparation Document: LAT-PR-00771-04 17 Suggested Peer Review Agenda (2/3)  Major assemblies/elements within the subsystem –Requirement/compliance matrix – update since  PDR –Allocated budgets (mass, power, c.g., etc..) – updates from EM or actual –Mechanical & electronic design changes since  PDR Performance modeling updates (structural, thermal, electronics) –Major assemblies/component Performance summaries –Performance prediction vs. requirement –Engineering model test results Test data discussion Test result as compared to expected performance/prediction –Design changes resulting from EM test Qualification plan (including vibration, thermal, EMI/EMC, etc..) –Procurement plan & Status Identify critical component need dates vs. delivery dates Summarize procurement contract status EEE parts and material approval status/readiness Long lead part requirement/procurement

18 GLAST LAT ProjectPeer Review & CDR Preparation Document: LAT-PR-00771-04 18 Suggested Peer Review Agenda (3/3)  Subsystem assemblies (fabrication plan) –Assembly flow overview & facilities status –Production readiness reviews Performed or planned –Test plan –Test Equipment (mechanical & electrical) preparation MGSE and EGSE status Rack elevation, cables, power, test adapter Test software and scripts status –Processes & procedures –Transportation and handling plan/procedures Transportation container design  Subsystem product assurance –Non-conformance reporting tracking and readiness –Production travelers

19 GLAST LAT ProjectPeer Review & CDR Preparation Document: LAT-PR-00771-04 19 Conclusion “We are ready to proceed to subsystem fabrication” Design Status  Demonstrate evolution & heritage of “Final Design”  Demonstrate compliance of system performance  Closure of Actions from PDR &  PDR  Complete ICDs  Final implementation plans –EM –Prototype –Flight Units –Spares  Complete design analysis Fabrication Status  Qualification/Environmental Test Plan and Flow  Control methods for all safety hazards identified  FMEA  Worst case analysis  Fracture control  Shipping environment and mode of transportation √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

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