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BELL WORK Predict; What would be a reason for the United States to get involved in WWI? (Complete sentences)

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Presentation on theme: "BELL WORK Predict; What would be a reason for the United States to get involved in WWI? (Complete sentences)"— Presentation transcript:

1 BELL WORK Predict; What would be a reason for the United States to get involved in WWI? (Complete sentences)

2 WWI: America’s Road to War Chapter 9 Section 2 page 270 - 275

3 Update YEAR 1916 WWI still a deadlock British want U.S. to enter War Use of Propaganda Germans want war to end completely 3 Steps to end war Sink all merchant ships Start revolution in Russia Zimmerman telegraph


5 American Neutrality ๏ President Woodrow Wilson declares U.S. will remain neutral ๏ Reasons Against; ๏ Problems in Mexico ๏ Victoriano Huerta had killed the Pres, and VP ๏ Doesn’t involve American Government or citizens ๏ Immigrants ๏ Irish and German do not want U.S. to enter WWI ๏ Reasons for; ๏ British Propaganda

6 - Passenger ship sank by German U-boat - 126 Americans killed -Over 1,000 civilians dead Sinking of the Lusitania

7 End of American Neutrality ๏ Wilson Re-Elected (November ’16) ๏ “He Kept us out of War” ๏ Germany announces it will sink all merchant ships on sight (January ’17) ๏ Wilson outraged ๏ February ’17 ๏ British intercept Zimmerman Telegram from German government to Mexico ๏ Letter suggest Mexico attack the U.S. ๏ German promised land back in return

8 BELL WORK IF THERE WAS NO ZIMMERMAN TELEGRAM, DOYOU BELIEVE THIE U.S. WOULD HAVE: A enter the war when it did B enter the war at a later time C not been drawn into war at all EXPLAIN ANSWER FULLY!

9 Examples of WWI Propaganda

10 Example


12 German Stuff

13 Propaganda Poster Rubric You will be creating a WWI propaganda poster/Recruitment Poster You will not be graded on your talent level as an artist You must have; An original idea You must put for effort You poster must look like a 9 th grader created it No stick figures! You may work in groups of 2, if I find you not working, you will be given a 0, an alternate assignment, ect…

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