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The advantages of EU enlargement for member countries- both old and new Anglia Ruskin University – MBA Workshop – February 11 th 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "The advantages of EU enlargement for member countries- both old and new Anglia Ruskin University – MBA Workshop – February 11 th 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 The advantages of EU enlargement for member countries- both old and new Anglia Ruskin University – MBA Workshop – February 11 th 2012

2 Being inside the Single Market Free movement of product, people and capital (soon services) with no artificial barriers to trade BUT protected where necessary from outside competition by Common External tariff Benefits arising from free trade within the Single Market -  Opportunity to exploit their various comparative advantages in many industries as possible and increase exports to “richer nations” as a source of further economic development  - Enlargement will eventually create a Single Market of over 500 million consumers, with relatively similar tastes in consumer durables

3 Other advantages of enlargement  Most accession countries will be to net recipients of income from EU programmes a. Common Agricultural Policy - though only 25% of current subsidies paid to the older member states.  b. Social Cohesion and Regional Funds – to bring them to 75% of NNI figures of all members c. To the receipts of receipt of EU funds one needs to add various macroeconomic advantages  Potential macroeconomic advantage  a. Reduced exchange rate volatility if accession countries join the ERM – many countries are keen to join the Euro to reduce exchange rate risk and benefit from lower interest rates.  b. Monetary policy coordination with the European Central Bank - Lower inflation will help bring down long term interest rates (this is good for investment)

4 Other advantages of enlargement  The main aims of joining the EU for the accession countries are to a. Increase economic integration with Western Europe b. Provide a catalyst to long term economic growth c. Raise relative living standards closer to the EU average-via Regional and Cohesion Funds-look at evolution of EU and the ideas of the founding fathers.

5 Being inside the single market  Competitive pressures of being within the Single Market Increasing competition should act to boost productivity – under-performing businesses not meeting consumer needs and wants will lose market share. This has raised the fear of increased unemployment in once communist states BUT it appears to be a cost worth paying Global Presence – the EU will have a more influential voice e.g. P5

6 Other benefits  Dynamic efficiency gains e.g. arising from higher investment and a higher rate of innovation  Technology transfer as companies from ‘old Europe’ transfer capacity to the ‘new’ economies e.g. car manufacture  Skills and Knowledge transfer – use of EU funds to develop education, training and ways of adding value within their boundaries

7 Capital Movements – the advantages  Free movement of capital – opportunities from foreign direct investment (FDI) large inflows of foreign direct investment into accession countries (previous EU enlargement has seen a boost to FDI flows)- figures to follow  Most accession countries have significantly lower unit labour costs and very low land costs which will be a spur to inward investment  Ease of transfer of goods to other richer EU members e.g. Austria and Germany

8 Other capital advantages  Technology transfers and investment in training and skills from FDI flows will have a positive effect on productive capacity / long run aggregate supply  Western investment will boost productivity and thereby improve unit labour costs / competitiveness – might this have a negative impact on us?

9 The ‘ideal’ model? A virtuous circle of investment? 1. Higher output, productivity and employment 2. Increases incomes, spending and saving 3. Raises profits and spurs further investment But if this is the case then the older members will have export potential increased

10 But are there potential disadvantages?  Adverse political and economic cycle in the EU  Fear of "overstretching" the Union  Uneven public support in the current EU members  Insufficient communication  The Turkish question  Migration – labour rates and social tensions  The Legacy of the Soviet Economy

11 Can the older members gain? Export Potential – commercial opportunities from enlarging the Internal Market  a) Classic trade creation effects of increasing the size of a customs union b) Accession countries are small – but have grown more quickly than EU(15) in recent years and have much faster growth potential (higher trend growth rates –  The long run economic potential of the accession counties is much greater than their current size! c) If living standards increase – export potential for consumer goods industries is huge d) Much recent FDI into accession countries has concentrated on retailing, banks and hotels! Exploitation of economies of scale from supplying to a larger market  a) Gains in productive efficiency / increasing returns to scale b) Exploitation of principle of large minimum efficient scale in many industries Foreign Investment and Incomes and Profits  a) FDI into accession countries will provide a net flow of interest profits and dividends - boosting a country’s GNP and supporting the balance of payments b) FDI flows likely to supplement rather than reduce domestic capital spending c) FDI will speed up the transformation of accession countries 

12 Advantages to older members  a) Potential cost savings when importing raw materials and components from accession countries (improving the terms of trade for developed EU countries)  A more diverse European labour market  a) Opportunities for British and other EU businesses to import lower cost skilled labour in areas where there are severe labour shortages  b) Migration of labour from accession countries may help to offset longer- term effects of ageing populations / slow growth of population of working age  c) Increased opportunities for EU people to travel, live and work in Central, Eastern and Southern Europe  d) Successful integration of appellant countries may reduce the surge of economic migrants seeking employment in the existing EU from eastern European countries

13 Other advantages to older members  More jobs  a) European Round Table of Industrialists estimates that enlargement could create 300,000 jobs across current EU Member States  Higher EU economic growth  a) Independent research suggests that accession of the 7 largest Central European candidates could increase UK GDP by £1.75 billion b) There is significant economic potential around new growth areas like Warsaw, Budapest and Prague  A cleaner environment  a) Accession countries have spent huge sums in securing improvements to air and water quality to meet more stringent EU standards – reduction in cross-border pollution will have positive externalities  Enlargement will be a catalyst for further economic reform in the EU  a) Reforms to the CAP b) Spur to countries to reform their labour markets in the face of increasing low-unit labour cost competition from accession economies

14 The current position

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