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Lauren Martinez P.1. Political Figures When it comes to people who were the most influential, Richard M. Nixon was one of the biggest men at the time.

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Presentation on theme: "Lauren Martinez P.1. Political Figures When it comes to people who were the most influential, Richard M. Nixon was one of the biggest men at the time."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lauren Martinez P.1

2 Political Figures When it comes to people who were the most influential, Richard M. Nixon was one of the biggest men at the time. Being president at the time, he had ended the war in Vietnam and his goal was to bring an divided country together. John Lennon and The Rolling Stones were also very important music and an idea of bringing people closer together since PEACE was the goal in the 70’s. Most of the people that were followed were artists musically and protesters who challenged the system. When it comes to people who were the most influential, Richard M. Nixon was one of the biggest men at the time. Being president at the time, he had ended the war in Vietnam and his goal was to bring an divided country together. John Lennon and The Rolling Stones were also very important music and an idea of bringing people closer together since PEACE was the goal in the 70’s. Most of the people that were followed were artists musically and protesters who challenged the system.

3 Trends & Fads The fashions in the 70’s were so hippy and laid back. The girls had bell bottom pants and straight hair. They were all about the natural look and keeping it simple. The guys wore the same type of flare pants and more laid back and casual clothes. Mood rings, lava lamps, Rubik's cube, smiley face stickers, and top selling VW bugs. The trends were all a little out there it seems now, but then it was all about the environment especially with there earth shoes and save the planet type of ideas. Sometimes even going streaking nude was considered a fad at one point. The fashions in the 70’s were so hippy and laid back. The girls had bell bottom pants and straight hair. They were all about the natural look and keeping it simple. The guys wore the same type of flare pants and more laid back and casual clothes. Mood rings, lava lamps, Rubik's cube, smiley face stickers, and top selling VW bugs. The trends were all a little out there it seems now, but then it was all about the environment especially with there earth shoes and save the planet type of ideas. Sometimes even going streaking nude was considered a fad at one point.

4 Quotes John Lennon: “Imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can, No need for greed or hunger. A brotherhood of man. Imagine all the people sharing the world.” John Lennon: “Imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can, No need for greed or hunger. A brotherhood of man. Imagine all the people sharing the world.” Robert Frost: “I took the road less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” Robert Frost: “I took the road less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.”

5 Popular Entertainment The t.v shows that were most popular back then were a lot of Sci-fi thrillers like Jaws and Star Wars. A lot of clubs and disco clubs were all the rage. Concerts with Bob Marley, Jackson 5, Pink Floyd, Arrow Smith and ACDC. Some toys that were out at the time like LEGO, Nerf toys, slinkies and the popular book written by Judy Bloom. The t.v shows that were most popular back then were a lot of Sci-fi thrillers like Jaws and Star Wars. A lot of clubs and disco clubs were all the rage. Concerts with Bob Marley, Jackson 5, Pink Floyd, Arrow Smith and ACDC. Some toys that were out at the time like LEGO, Nerf toys, slinkies and the popular book written by Judy Bloom.

6 Popular Music In the 1970’s music was the publics main escape from the rough times they faced. There were plenty of genres to choose from and they all included artists like The Eagles, Queen, Rod Stewart, The Police, Aerosmith and The Temptations. Some of the rock music that was played changed the outlook on where the new trends were coming from. And the same goes for the music that was still laid back for all the hippies who just wanted to keep the peace. In the 1970’s music was the publics main escape from the rough times they faced. There were plenty of genres to choose from and they all included artists like The Eagles, Queen, Rod Stewart, The Police, Aerosmith and The Temptations. Some of the rock music that was played changed the outlook on where the new trends were coming from. And the same goes for the music that was still laid back for all the hippies who just wanted to keep the peace.

7 SPorts In the summer of 1970 the Olympics took place twice. This was the first time that they were held in Canada. This was also the time that the Stealers won the Super Bowl four consecutive years in a row. In this time professional athletes were demanding the right to free agency which would mean they would be able to market themselves to the highest bidder. By 1979 the baseball player Pete Rose was able to negotiate a $1 million dollar contract per year. Before this year, few athletes made over $100,000 a year. In the summer of 1970 the Olympics took place twice. This was the first time that they were held in Canada. This was also the time that the Stealers won the Super Bowl four consecutive years in a row. In this time professional athletes were demanding the right to free agency which would mean they would be able to market themselves to the highest bidder. By 1979 the baseball player Pete Rose was able to negotiate a $1 million dollar contract per year. Before this year, few athletes made over $100,000 a year.

8 Scientists & Inventors During this time, Apollo 17 had been the last manned craft to land on the moon and bring back over 250 samples of rock. This was big to all scientists big or small. The floppy disk which had become very popular at this time, created by David Noble (IBM). Pocket calculators were invented around this time by Sharp Corporation. Cell phones were created by Bell Labs in 1977. During this time, Apollo 17 had been the last manned craft to land on the moon and bring back over 250 samples of rock. This was big to all scientists big or small. The floppy disk which had become very popular at this time, created by David Noble (IBM). Pocket calculators were invented around this time by Sharp Corporation. Cell phones were created by Bell Labs in 1977.

9 Significant Art Most of the art created at this time was all earthly and environmentally influenced. Richard Serra, as Michael Heizer, Walter de Maria, Robert Smithson. Massive earthworks such as Smithson's Spiral Jetty, challenged all the rules regarding mass, time, size, and space. Their art would be to vent about there inner emotions and there thoughts on how the world was being treated and how we need to treat it.

10 Significant Books In 1978: Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson was written along with many other popular books such as 1978: Noah's Ark by Peter Spier, 1979: The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses by Paul Goble, 1971: A Story A Story, retold and illustrated by Gail E. Haley, 1972: One Fine Day, retold and illustrated by Nonny Hogrogian. These books were very popular for their time because of their capturing topics and tales. In 1978: Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson was written along with many other popular books such as 1978: Noah's Ark by Peter Spier, 1979: The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses by Paul Goble, 1971: A Story A Story, retold and illustrated by Gail E. Haley, 1972: One Fine Day, retold and illustrated by Nonny Hogrogian. These books were very popular for their time because of their capturing topics and tales.

11 Historical Events Some of the most historical events start with the most memorable like the Apollo 13 mission failing and luckily all surviving. The voting age was lowered to 18 and the controversy was between the government wanting more soldiers or were the people getting more freedom? The Vietnam War had officially ended in 1973 causing plenty of celebration. And one of the biggest of all was the Water Gate Scandal in which Nixon illegally video taped the oval offices meetings, causing him to be impeached. Later reassigning.

12 War Conflict During the 1970’s the Vietnam War had ended after long years of protesting and fighting and trying to earn more rights to end such horrific violence. The Cold War had started not too long after Vietman ending, and during the Cold War, America and Russia had threatened each other with bombings and over who had the most power. During the 1970’s the Vietnam War had ended after long years of protesting and fighting and trying to earn more rights to end such horrific violence. The Cold War had started not too long after Vietman ending, and during the Cold War, America and Russia had threatened each other with bombings and over who had the most power.

13 SPeeches Ew Ew Ew Ew w w w w kg4 kg4 kg4 kg4

14 Comparison Chart Then (Decade) Now (2013) Gas Prices $0.36$4.60 Milk$1.15$3.00 Eggs$0.62$2.75 Bread$0.55$2.80 Movie Ticket $2.00$8.00 Music$4.50$15.00 High school requirements They didn’t have to graduate Must have 24 credits and complete all 4yrs

15 1973 Vietnam war finally ended OEC doubled the prices of oil, Which led to the gas crises. Abortion was legalized.

16 1970 Wood Stock Millions of people gathering in Music festivities Beatles Break UpApollo 13 mission failed

17 1977 Elvis Presley Died Water Gate Scandal Jimmy Carter Elected President

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