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 Natural rights of man  Superiority of nature (over technology, industrialization, and urbanization)  Importance of imagination & spontaneity (over.

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Presentation on theme: " Natural rights of man  Superiority of nature (over technology, industrialization, and urbanization)  Importance of imagination & spontaneity (over."— Presentation transcript:


2  Natural rights of man  Superiority of nature (over technology, industrialization, and urbanization)  Importance of imagination & spontaneity (over intellect & mechanization)

3 Rational thinking of the Enlightenment Era culminated in the fall of the French monarchy (execution of Louis XVI) in 1789.

4 Napoleon Bonaparte was crowned emperor in 1804 and defeated at Waterloo in 1815. (The revolutionary becomes the new despot.)

5  The events in France led some to question the legitimacy of monarchical rule in England.  One influential text in this regard was William Godwin’s Inquiry Concerning Political Justice (1793), which predicted the inevitable evolution of society toward equal distribution of property and absence of government.

6 The “Natural Rights of Man” idea also combined with the Industrial Revolution to threaten monarchical rule during the period in that it (the Industrial Revolution) created an ever-wealthier middle class that did not have a traditional aristocratic background.

7 This new social class had made its wealth through manufacturing rather than agriculture and started to demand a power in government proportionate to their wealth.

8 Industrialization had started in Europe in the mid- 18 th century and was aggressively propelled forward when James Watt perfected the steam engine in 1765.

9  The steam engine allowed steam power to replace wind and water as the primary source of power in one industry after another.  In England, textile production was the main industry.

10  In addition to the creation of new wealth, industrialization also caused  Rapid growth of cities  Increased privatization of land (in order to make farming and animal husbandry more efficient since food production had to keep pace with population growth)  The creation of a completely landless underclass in which people were in some ways worse off than they had been when they had access to land that they could cultivate for basic sustenance

11  The government maintained a “laissez-faire” policy concerning these developments; it did nothing to regulate the new industries.  The end result was that the great majority of the laboring class suffered from inadequate wages, long work hours under harsh discipline in filthy conditions, and the large-scale employment of women and children for tasks that destroyed physical and mental health.



14  The poets and writers whose names are now synonymous with the Romantic Period generally supported the spirit of revolution  Viewed technology, industrialization, and urbanization in a negative light.  These artists thought “truth” and “inspiration” were to be found in nature, not in cities.  They also delved deeply into the nature of the imagination and wrote poetry that was more about emotion than about “rules.”  Some also experimented with drugs like opium.

15  During this era, the lyric poem was developed to a high degree.  A lyric poem is the kind most recognizably modern; it is a poem told from the viewpoint of one speaker, about his or her personal experience or emotion, and doesn’t have to follow a specific rhyme or meter.  Images of the natural world were also prominent in Romantic poetry as a revolt against the worldviews of scientific philosophers who represented the ultimate reality as a mechanical world consisting of physical particles in motion.




19  During the Romantic Period, a new literary form emerged, the Gothic Novel.  Named after the setting most frequently used: a gloomy (Gothic) castle  Revolved around mystery and terror  Featured craggy, mist-shrouded, and generally forbidding landscapes  Featured ghosts and other supernatural phenomena  Featured the sexual persecution of a maiden by a craven and undesirable suitor  A precursor to the “psychological novel” in which the terrors of the subconscious mind drive suspense


21  RdsM&list=PLF8263EB86A6B888E&index=22 RdsM&list=PLF8263EB86A6B888E&index=22

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