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 Staff who will be interviewed  Staff who will not be interviewed  Supervisor  Managers  Administrators  EVERYONE…. WHY?

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2  Staff who will be interviewed  Staff who will not be interviewed  Supervisor  Managers  Administrators  EVERYONE…. WHY?

3  Is it an audit?  Is it a “gotcha?”  Is it a tool to get people into trouble?  Are only the “favorites” chosen to be interviewed?  Why was the focus area chosen?

4  The Scout’s model: preparation is everything!  As soon as possible?


6  What information should you share?  How the focus area was selected  How cases were selected  Information about the last PQCR  How will you use the information you receive from the PQCR  How will staff be included in the PQCR week, especially those who aren’t interviewed (invited to the orientation/final sharing?)

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