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Strathmore Secondary College Year 9 English 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Strathmore Secondary College Year 9 English 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strathmore Secondary College Year 9 English 2013

2 Introductory Lesson to Year 9 English Date: January 31st Goals:  To familiarise myself with the year 9 course outline  To reflect on my strengths and weaknesses in this subject

3 Year 9 English Teacher’s Name: Ms Smith Semester One Course Outline 1. Persuasive Writing 2. Text Study: The Simple Gift 3. Poetry 4. Writing Folio 5. Oral Presentations (Copy this into your work books)

4 Three Rules for My Classroom 1.Come to class prepared and willing to learn (correct resources, completion of homework and appropriate attitude) 2.Raise your hand when you wish to share something with the class. 3.No movement around the class without permission.

5 Presentation Workbook or Folder for English Workbook or Folder for English – Date each lesson – Copy Goal – Sub-headings for starter and tasks – Rule off at the end or start of each lesson – Blue or black pen only – Paste in handouts

6 Task:  List 3 things you enjoyed about English in year 8  List 4 things you were good at in English in year 8  List 4 things you were not so good at in year 8 English

7 1. List 5 areas you would like to improve in during your year of year 9 English. 2. For each area, list how you will go about improving Area I want to improveWhat I need to do to improve 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

8 Writing Task: Task: You are required to write a descriptive piece in which you tell me about yourself. You need to include information about: your personality Your interests your strengths and weaknesses as a student your goals for 2013 As you are writing, pay careful attention to paragraphs, spelling, punctuation, grammar, interesting vocabulary, repetition Length: Approx. 400 words Due Date: Friday February 1 st

9 Accessing Prior Learning 1. What is the aim of a persuasive piece? What are the different types of persuasive pieces? 2. Make a list of as many persuasive devices as you can remember. Pair Share

10 Feedback

11 You’ve made the list now see if you can match the term to its definition

12 Activity: Match the term to its definition Match the term to its definition TermDefinition Emotive LanguageAn idea or meaning suggested by or associated with a word or thing. The associated or secondary meaning of a word or expression in addition to its explicit or primary meaning. For example: “home” is “a place of warmth, comfort, and affection.” Inclusive LanguageThe use of vivid or figurative language to represent objects, actions, or ideas often creating an image in the reader’s mind. ImageryUse of we, our, we all know ConnotationLanguage that causes an emotional response. Use of ‘loaded’ adjectives.

13 TermDefinition Emotive LanguageLanguage that causes an emotional response. Use of ‘loaded’ adjectives. Inclusive LanguageUse of we, our, we all know ImageryThe use of vivid or figurative language to represent objects, actions, or ideas often creating an image in the reader’s mind. ConnotationAn idea or meaning suggested by or associated with a word or thing. The associated or secondary meaning of a word or expression in addition to its explicit or primary meaning. For example: “home” is “a place of warmth, comfort, and affection.”

14 Applying your knowledge Copy and label the headlines as either emotive, inclusive, imagery and connotation Rebels without a cause A bright future crushed Our lives becoming squeezy Royals open their hearts Fallen Digger honoured as ‘one of the very best’ Family massacred Extension: write your own examples

15 Party Invitation….! You have been invited to a party next week end, which you desperately want to go to. Your parents have said you are not allowed to go. You stormed out of the room, feeling it was an unfair decision. The next morning you decide to plead your case of why you should be allowed to go. Write what you would say to your parents. How would you convince them? Use the persuasive techniques we just looked at in your response. Aim for half a page!


17 Persuasive techniques How did you use them…? Swap your letter with a friend  What persuasive techniques did they use? Identify them from the list.  Discuss how effectively they were used.  Score the letter out of ten for its persuasiveness

18 Aim: To analyse an effective speech To identify persuasive devices and employ them in our writing Starter: Make a list of persuasive devices View the speech by Barak Obama. List the persuasive devices he uses. Now do the same with the speech by Martin Luther King. For each speech, write a paragraph discussing why you think it is persuasive.

19 Should school uniforms be banned? Yes (For)NO (against)

20 Who would be involved in this issue? What arguments would the following groups possible make?  Students  Parents  Members of the community  School principals/teachers  other

21 Choose your persona and target audience Persona= the voice/viewpoint you are adopting: A parent Principal Owner of uniform shop Audience: who are you trying to convince? Students, parents, Principal How will this impact what you write and how you write??

22 SCHOOL UNIFORMS SHOULD BE BANNED What is your contention for this issue? PLANNING TIME 1.Write a strong contention (Your opinion on the topic) 2. Plan your arguments to support the topic (topic sentence for each argument and dot point ideas to support it; include persuasive devices. 3. You can write your introduction when you know your contention and supporting arguments. 4. Finish with a conclusion that has an impact! (A conclusion sums up your writing so that a reader is convinced of your opinion) Extension refute one of the opposing arguments (those who support/or oppose claim that….This, however, is not the case…)

23 Remember! Your arguments and use of persuasive devices need to be appropriate for your chosen persona and audience! Text Form: A letter.

24 SAMPLE PLAN Persona: Member of parliament Audience: School Council Contention: School uniforms should not be eradicated Supporting arguments: 1.School uniforms result in equality amongst the school community  Supporting reason/persuasive device  Supporting reason/device 2. Uniforms cut costs for parents Supporting reasons: … 3. Uniforms enable students to look professional

25 Now it’s time to put your plan into action!! Twenty Minutes of Silent Writing Now it’s time to put your plan into action!! Look at the sample articles on soft drink taxes and mobile phones.  How do they begin with a strong intro paragraph?  How do they use topic sentences?  Review their use of persuasive devices  How do they end with a strong statement?

26 How did your choice of voice and intended impact your choices: Arguments Language Tone other

27 Peer Assess www ebi Is there a clear contention? Does the writer manage to persuade you? Why/not?

28 To evaluate an argumentative essay Page 135 of English Alive 2 Write their own

29 To identify aspects of persuasive language Starter: How would you convince me to take to you to the movies? How would you persuade your parents to take you to the movies? (what devices would you use?)

30 MeParentsSimilarities

31 What differences did you notice? How did your intended audience affect your choices?

32 Page 59 English Mosaic 4

33 Analysing and Writing Arguments Violent computer/video games should be banned Harry Potter should be banned Over protective parenting Persuade your teacher to take you to the movies NAPLAN prompts

34 PLAN2011_prompt__caged_animals_final.pdf PLAN2011_prompt__caged_animals_final.pdf

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