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Chapter 2, Section 2 Enlightenment Ideas Spread. Section 1 Review What sparked the enlightenment? About what century did the enlightenment happen? Who.

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1 Chapter 2, Section 2 Enlightenment Ideas Spread

2 Section 1 Review What sparked the enlightenment? About what century did the enlightenment happen? Who is Hobbes? What was his contribution? What did he believe was the best government? Who is Locke? What was his contribution? What did he believe was the best government? What was Montesquieu’s major contribution? What was Voltaire’s major contribution?

3 Enlightenment Ideas Spread Paris, France = heart of the enlightenment Wealthy people read new readings Age of Reason = overthrew unscientific thinking, challenged church Ideas spread in informal social gatherings called salons.

4 Art Baroque  Huge colorful paintings full of color; battles and glorified saints Rocco  Lighter, elegant and charming, away from religion; encouraged imagination and away from religion. What is this painting considered?

5 Music and Literature Enlightenment inspired Classical Music Middle class now afford to see this Novels take shape

6 Enlightened Despot Absolute ruler who used power to bring about political and social change EX: Fredrick II, Catherine the Great, and Joseph II

7 Enlightened Despot: Joseph II Austria Most enlightened despots Traveled to learn problems of his people Supported religious equality Ended censorship Free press Abolished serfdom

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