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WWW as a resource of information and a medium for delivering distance and online learning E-mail as a medium for sending & receiving information (synchronous.

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Presentation on theme: "WWW as a resource of information and a medium for delivering distance and online learning E-mail as a medium for sending & receiving information (synchronous."— Presentation transcript:

1 WWW as a resource of information and a medium for delivering distance and online learning E-mail as a medium for sending & receiving information (synchronous & asynchronous) (Javis; 2002) Internet Applications

2 2. Language tools Dictionary Language organizer e.g. concordancer 1. Information resources Real-world site/content site ESL/EFL site: E-course, supplements Search engine 3. Communication tools E-mail Bulletin board or Web board Mailing list or discussion list Communication in real time (Chat, ICU)

3 What language activities can be done by using the Internet services ? Use of the Internet in ELT

4 Range of activities e.g. practising grammar from CAI program Subscribing for membership of Yahoo Sending an e-card/e-mail to friends Searching for information and writing a report Creating an online magazine etc. Exercise project work

5 - in class/outside class Mode of Learning - individual/pair/group - with teacher ’ s involvement/without teacher ’ s involvement

6 - Two major types = e-mail & WebQuest - Forms of the results = oral presentation & written text (paper/web page) Internet-based task/project

7 Searching the Internet Situation: Suppose that you had to arrange an exhibition on Christmas day. Task: 1. Search for information and pictures that can be used for creating posters from Google. (15 min.) 2. Check how fast you can get what you want. Task

8 WebQuests are inquiry-based activities in which learners interact with information coming primarily from resources on the Internet. (Dodge: 1995 quoted in Marco: 2002) Examples of WebQuest outcome: newsletter, brochure, Ads, magazine, web pages presenting certain information Uses of information resources

9 A webQuest must have the following steps. 1. An introduction that explains the activity and provide background information 2. A task that is feasible and interesting 3. A set of information sources needed to complete the task 4. A description of the process the learners should follow to complete the task 5. Some guidelines on how to organise the information 6. A conclusion that closes the quest (Dodge: 1995 quoted in Marco: 2002)

10 - Portfolio - E-zine - Resourcing Three examples of tasks/project (at KMUTT) that use the Internet as an information resource and a place for publication:

11 Task 1. Open 2. Study one students ’ web site and answer the questions below. A. What did the students produce? B. How such project is good for language learning?

12 Some interesting real-world web sites (mega sites) - - - - - -

13 Uses of language tools - Vocabulary card - Concordancing task Two examples of tasks that use some language tools available on the Internet :

14 Teacher-student e-mail is used for class follow-up, discussing homework, submitting writing assignment, etc. Student-student students forge personal links with other students either in their own institute or overseas (e.g. in English-speaking countries) E-mail activities: Uses of communication tools

15 Teacher-world the use of mailing lists and newsgroups to exchange information and discuss relevant issues (e.g. TESL-L) Student-world the use of mailing lists and newsgroups to exchange information and discuss relevant issues in ELT-appropriate forums. *Extracted from ELT online: the rise of the Internet, written by Michael Carrier, 1997. Class-class a group of students makes contact with overseas group to conduct a survey or similar project work (usually cultural in nature)






21 Online discussion Instructions: 1. Browse the following web site: up/Discussion103A 2. Answer the following questions. 2.1 What do the student practise? 2.2 What are some strength and weaknesses of this task? Task

22 1. Get a login and password of Yahoo from the helper. 3. Click “ Join this group ” and fill in a form to subscribe for membership of the group. 4. Post a message to introduce yourself to the group members. 2. Open /tshare47.

23 - instructor, facilitator, helper, troubleshooter etc. e.g. 1. provide/suggest resources 2. prepare learning/working strategies 3. prepare language needed to complete the project 4. offer support e.g. guide working process Teacher ’ s role in project work

24 Benefits of the Internet How are Internet-based activities good for learners?

25 1. serve individual differences 3. increase motivation 4. develop language skills 2. promote independent/life-ling learning Internet-based activities can

26 7. enhance other metacognitive skills e.g. planning, time management 6. foster cooperative skills 8. enhance computer skills.e.g. searching for info., typing, creating web pages etc. Apart from that, an internet- based project can 5. develop thinking skills e.g. decision making, problem-solving

27 - Too much information - Unreliable information - Getting lost due to lack of computing skills and teacher ’ s control/suggestion - Technical constraints e.g. some pages need special programs to run. - Unsuitable information/images esp. for kids Drawbacks

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