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Published byDiane Newman Modified over 9 years ago
Part I: Muon g-2 theory update / motivation Part II: Possibilities for FNAL experiment at 0.1 ppm David Hertzog University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2 nd Project X Workshop / Jan 25, 2008 n The theory situation u Stronger motivation now compared to 2004 n The basic experimental requirements n The BNL plan n The (exciting) possibilities for moving g-2 to FNAL n Bill’s questions … briefly
We are all here because of the following argument n LHC: direct search for new particles u But, what new physics will they reveal? n Precision measurements: u Lepton flavor violation u Electric dipole moments u Rare decays u Unitarity tests u Muon g-2 Consider a post-LHC world with many new mass states found SUSY Extra Dimensions The future a measurement will separate the two models by more than 7 standard deviations and thus allow for a clear decision in favor of one of them Here is an example, related to g-2 UED SUSY
Basic Muon g-2 Momentum Spin e Final report: Bennett et al, PRD 73, 072003 (2006)
The BNL Storage Ring
Muon g-2 is determined by a ratio of two precision measurements: a and B (and some knowledge of the muon orbit) aa 1 ppm contours B
The Standard Model theory has improved in the last year and will continue to sharpen. n Key points: u Theory: 0.48 ppm u Experimental 0.54 ppm a (expt-thy) = (295±88) x 10 -11 (3.4 Arguably, strongest experimental evidence of Physics Beyond Standard Model K. Hagiwara, A.D. Martin, Daisuke Nomura, T. Teubner Compare TIME Rep.Prog.Phys. 70, 795 (2007).
g ≠ 2 because of virtual loops, many of which can be calculated very precisely B QED Z Weak Had LbL Had VP KEY REGION 2006 plot
g ≠ 2 because of virtual loops, many of which can be calculated very precisely B QED Z Weak Had VP Had LbL Had VP Had LbL Hadronic Light by Light has a 36% relative uncertainty !! ~ 0.34 ppm Leading contribution must be positive But, then we need a hadronic model Many constraints, but can we achieve 15% relative error ? New efforts include A Dyson-Schwinger calculation Two independent lattice efforts
New physics enters through loops … e.g., SUSY R-parity conserving Supersymmetry (vertices have pairs) And the diagrams are amplified by powers of tan (here linearly)
Sidebar: There are LOTs of “SUSYs” n General MSSM has > 100 free parameters. u Advantage: Well, we don’t know them open minded. u Disadvantage: Not predictive, but experiments can “restrict” parts of this multi-dimensional space u Beware of claims of “Ruling Out SUSY” ! n CMSSM – “constrained” and, related but even more constrained, MSUGRA, … and others u These models assume many degeneracies in masses and couplings in order to restrict parameters. Typically: m 0, m 1/2, sgn( ), tan , A (or even fewer) n Then there is R parity – is sparticle number conserved? n And, many ways to describe EW symmetry breaking Note: in some plots that follow, we use an improvement in Experiment and Theory, which reduces the present uncertainty in a from 88 to 39 in 10 -11 units. For a “legacy” effort, it will be somewhat smaller.
Consider the physics message carried by a (expt – thy) ~ 300 x 10 -11 at present (E821: 88 x 10 -11 ) and future (E969: 39 x 10 -11 ) uncertainties in a Example 1: MSSM general parameter scan
The Snowmass Points and Slopes is an attempt to assemble some reasonable SUSY benchmark tests. Muon g-2, like other precision measurements, has powerful discriminating input * Snowmass Points and Slopes: 10 -11 units 293 318 16.5 135 490 86 169 237 173 -90 Compare to present a =295 Compare uncertainty to a ~ ±35
Suppose the MSSM reference point SPS1a* is realized and parameters determined by global fit (from LHC results) sgn( ) can’t be obtained from the collider tan can’t be pinned down by collider Possible future “blue band” plot, where tan β is determined from a μ to < 20% or better D. Stockinger * Snowmass Points and Slopes: * SPS1a is a ``Typical '' mSUGRA point with intermediate tan = 10 Tan “blue band” plot based on present a μ. With these SUSY parameters, LHC gets tan of 10.22 ± 9.1.
Typical CMSSM 2D space showing g-2 effect (note: NOT an exclusion plot) This CMSSM calculation: Ellis, Olive, Santoso, Spanos. Plot update: K. Olive gaugino mass scalar mass Excluded for neutral dark matter 11 22 With new experimental and theoretical precision and same a Present: a = 295 ± 88 x 10 -11 Future a = 295 ± 39 x 10 -11 Topical Review: D. Stöckinger hep-ph/0609168v1 Here, neutralino accounts for the WMAP implied dark matter density
Experimental Issues Discussion: Three Phases for FNAL implementation Phase 1: + measurement to 0.1 ppm statistical u Requires Nova type upgrades, beam manipulations and ~4x10 20 p u Can do in pre Project X era Phase 2: - measurement to 0.1 ppm (or lower) Requires many more protons due to xsection for - u Would benefit from Project X n Phase 3: All “integrating” with much higher proton beam and restricted storage ring acceptance to lower systematics u Requires Project X E821 final error: ± 0.48 ppm statistical ± 0.27 ppm systematic
Near sideFar side E821 used a “forward” decay beam, with p 1.7% above p magic to provide a separation at K3/K4 Pions @ 3.115 GeV/c Decay muons @ 3.094 GeV/c About 40% decay Flux down by momentum mismatch (~ 2 – 4) P/P of s tiny due to bkg FODO transmission not optimized Inflector ends scatter s
incoming muons Quads Superconducting storage ring with quads, kicker, etc.
At BNL, here is the current working plan Segmented detectors Open inflector Improve kicker Muon Pre-Accumulator Ring MuPAR can get up 15 – 20 times more beam (on paper) Part of Original Proposal Quad doubling
MAR: Muon Accumulator Ring – the BNL idea n Catch most muons in first 2 turns. u Although spin precesses, it’s okay n Rest of turns just reduce pions by decay time Figure of Merit NP 2 increased by factor of ~12 or more n Fast “Switcher” magnets required Fluxes and Figure of Merit Number of turns in racetrack 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
For FNAL, we’d like a single long beamline and a shot rate of > 50 bunches / sec with width ~25 ns Got muons Removed pions Ideal…
21 Ankenbrandt and Popovic, Fermilab ->e g-2 Test Facility Booster-era Beam Transfer Scheme Rare Kaon Decays Question: Is Decay line “too short” ? Alternative ?
Bill’s marching orders … n Make these experiments a compelling part of Fermilab future from physics point of view n Demonstrate power of doing it at Fermilab u Clear advantages from beam bunch deliver perspective and running of high-intensity protons (they do not exist at BNL anymore without ~12 M upgrades to AGS. The multi-bunching at BNL is only an idea. The “more muons” requires a new ring and kickers to be competitive with FNAL. n Demonstrate realistic scenario for making it work u No showstoppers identified nor any “tricky” bits n Demonstrate a scaling strategy u Pre-x era: Can do a 40 week run to 0.1 ppm u Post-X era: Can do negatives and an “all integrating” effort See next picture
A complementary method of determining a is to plot Energy versus Time Event Method Geant simulation using new detector schemes Energy Method Same GEANT simulation
Bill’s questions … n Is it superior to BNL, JPARC? Yes n What is scaling of sensitivity with pulse rate? TBD n On what time scale can the theory be improved … u See slides plus Babar, KLOE and VEPP-2000 and Belle to come u Lattice efforts for HLbL n Can the systematic uncertainties be reduced? u Yes: Many related to flash and rate uncertainties. These are just scaled to expected statistics in future. We need “quiet” fills. u Field has long list of natural reductions that only require people and time (but not much money) n What are the uncertainties in the pion flux? ~20% ? MiniBooNe n What is total downside risk on performance? TBD n How does the g-2 approach to new physics compare/contrast with the K decay case, e.g. for supersymmetry search? u Probably Bill Marciano can tell us but g-2 is VERY sensitive to SUSY..
Additional experimental considerations n Ring mass / stable floor / cryogenic n New calorimeter system (in development now) u And associated electronics / daq n Upgraded internal kickers and probably electrostatic quads n Other physics outcomes u Muon EDM improvement u Lorentz violation / CPT test with sidereal day comparison See: arXiv:0709.4670 (PRL accepted 2008)
B. Lee Roberts, KEK – 10 January 2008 Systematic errors on ω a (ppm) σ systematic 1999 2000 2001Future Pile-up0.13 0.080.04 AGS Background0.10 0.015* Lost Muons0.10 0.090.04 Timing Shifts0.100.02 E-Field, Pitch0.080.030.06*0.05 Fitting/Binning0.070.060.06* CBO0. Beam Debunching0.04 0.04* Gain Change0.020.13 0.03 total0.30.310.21~0.09 Σ* = 0.11
B. Lee Roberts, KEK – 10 January 2008 E821 ω p systematic errors (ppm) Future (i ) *higher multipoles, trolley voltage and temperature response, kicker eddy currents, and time- varying stray fields.
a(had) from hadronic decay? Assume: CVC, no 2 nd -class currents, isospin breaking corrections. –e + e - goes through neutral –while -decay goes through charged n.b. decay has no isoscalar piece, e + e - does The inconsistencies in comparison of e + e - and decay now seem to be resolved.
The most important consequence of this work is indirect and confirms the known 3.3 discrepancy between the direct BNL measurement of the muon anomalous moment and its theoretical estimate relying on e + e - data.
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