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Romans Part 2 Lesson 9. Romans 8:1-17 No condemnation God sent His Son as an offering, condemning sin in the flesh Spirit of life sets us free in Christ.

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Presentation on theme: "Romans Part 2 Lesson 9. Romans 8:1-17 No condemnation God sent His Son as an offering, condemning sin in the flesh Spirit of life sets us free in Christ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Romans Part 2 Lesson 9

2 Romans 8:1-17 No condemnation God sent His Son as an offering, condemning sin in the flesh Spirit of life sets us free in Christ Jesus We walk according to the Spirit Contrast: those who live by the flesh those who live by the Spirit

3 Romans 8:9-11 True believers: Have the indwelling Spirit Belong to Christ Righteous Justified

4 Romans 8:12-17 Not under obligation to live according to the flesh’s desires Put to death the deeds of the body by the Spirit Led by His Spirit “Sons” “Children of God” Contrast: Suffering with Him/Glorified with Him

5 Romans 8 Present No condemnation Indwelling Spirit Sufferings Creation eagerly waits No separation Future Redemption of the body Glory Sons of God revealed No separation

6 Romans 8:26-39 Hope sustains the believer The Spirit’s intercession helps the believer The Spirit prays according to God’s will The Spirit helps believers’ weaknesses

7 Romans 8:31-39 “If God is for us, who can be against us?” Who is able to come against that? God freely gives to those who love Him, ALL things they need “Who will bring a charge against God’s elect? Who is the one who condemns? Who can separate us from the love of God?

8 Paul’s purpose in Romans 8:26-39 He related future glory to this present suffering. 2 Cor. 4:17 Momentary light afflictions God is for the righteous No separation No condemnation

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