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Petals Most flowers have 5 or 8 petals Seeds Many plants have 3, 5 or 8 seeds.

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Presentation on theme: "Petals Most flowers have 5 or 8 petals Seeds Many plants have 3, 5 or 8 seeds."— Presentation transcript:


2 Petals Most flowers have 5 or 8 petals

3 Seeds Many plants have 3, 5 or 8 seeds

4 Pineapples Pineapples have 13 clockwise spirals and 8 anticlockwise spirals

5 Pine cone spirals

6 Shell spirals

7 Rabbits!

8 What do they all have in common?

9 Fibonacci Series Leonardo Fibonacci (1170-1240)

10 Fibonacci Series 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89………..

11 1 1 2 3 5 8 13

12 1 1 2 3 5 8

13 The golden ratio As the fibonacci series gets larger, the ratio of succesive terms gets closer to a number called phi,, the golden ratio 13/8 = 1.625, 21/13 = 1.615, 34/21 = 1.619 = (√5 + 1)/2 = 1.6180339887…..

14 The golden ratio It can also be calculated from or

15 The golden section This is a line sectioned into two according to the golden ratio (a + b)/a = a/b =

16 Apples again! b a a = b

17 The ancient Greeks loved !

18 It has been suggested that many of the proportions of the Mona Lisa use the golden ratio

19 a = b

20 Let’s listen! s3.shtml

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