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Navigating Individualized Services in the Public School System.

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1 Navigating Individualized Services in the Public School System

2 Issues that may increase academic problems Levels of intervention The process of referral and evaluation Components of an Evaluation Parental rights, disagreements and due process Eligible domains Services Strategies for management and intervention

3 Children with histories of trauma often have problems in school, due to: –Disruptions in their living situation –Behavioral problems related to trauma –Cognitive problems related to trauma –A lack of developmental or academic support These difficulties can lead to cognitive deficits or behavioral problems which make it difficult to succeed academically. In young children, we often see delays in social/emotional functioning, language development, or fine and gross motor skills. –A lack of language development often makes it difficult for the child to get their needs met, which can exacerbate behavioral problems.


5 Special Education is mandated through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA, re-authorized in 2004). Congress enacted IDEA to provide students with disabilities the right to a: –Free and appropriate public education (FAPE) –In the least restrictive environment (LRE) –Through the development and implementation of an Individualized Education Program (IEP)

6 Before the age of three, developmental delays are addressed by Regional Centers through the Early Start program. –We often identify delays through the use of the ASQ, and refer to Early Start to address delays –CATCH, Head Start or Therapeutic Preschools are also good referral sources to support developmental success and school readiness After the age of three, these deficits are addressed through school districts through the RTI or IEP process (children remain eligible until 22).

7 Young child demonstrates significant developmental delays (ages 0-5) Child demonstrates behavioral problems in the school environment (ages 3+) Child demonstrates problems in academic performance (ages 5+)

8 Response to Intervention (RTI) –A special intervention(s) utilized to correct problems, and hopefully prevent the need for further services –The child’s lack of response to the intervention can be utilized to argue for additional services 504 Plan –Special adaptions to the classroom setting, process of instruction, or curriculum to assist students in learning Individualized Education Program –An individualized plan for instruction –Sets specific goals –Outlines student’s placement and services

9 Parent/ Teacher Identifies Academic Problem Student Study Team (SST) is held, strategies discussed Child is referred to RTI services for intervention /evaluation RTI is ineffective, parent/teacher refers child for IEP Evaluation School responds to parent in writing within 15 days School Develops Assessment Plan School Declines Assessment Parent signs assessment plan within 15 days School completes evaluation and holds IEP meeting within 60 days Eligible/ineligible for an Individualized Education Plan Eligibility for 504 Modifications Goals are developed, services identified Services are tracked and implemented Annual IEP Meetings (or more frequently, if requested by parent Tri-ennial IEP Meetings (every three years) Student receives a new psychoeducational evaluation

10 Hearing and vision screening Results of RTI Intervention (should include documentation of progress monitoring) Review of existing data; Social/developmental history Observation across settings, to assess academic, functional and behavioral skills; Communication evaluation Educational evaluation; Psychological evaluation, to include an intellectual evaluation; Behavioral/emotional evaluation which may include a behavior/emotional skill rating.

11 (A) Autism (B) Deaf-blindness (C) Deafness (D) Hearing impairment (E) Mental retardation (F) Multiple disabilities (G) Orthopedic impairment (H) Other health impairment (I) Serious emotional disturbance (J) Specific learning disability (K) Speech or language impairment in one or more of voice, fluency, language, and articulation (L) Traumatic brain injury (M) Visual impairment (N) Established medical disability

12 Commonly used with children who have histories of intra-uterine drug/alcohol exposure –Will often demonstrate problems with : Attention Affect regulation Impulsivity Short-term memory/vigilance –Usually need documentation of exposure to qualify, such as child welfare or medical records IDEA also specifically mentions ADHD as a chronic medical condition that may qualify under this domain

13 Children with significant emotional/ behavioral problems that prevent them from participating in school: 1) An inability to learn which cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory, or health factors. 2) An inability to build or maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships with peers or teachers. 3) Inappropriate types of behavior or feelings under normal circumstances exhibited in several situations. 4) A general pervasive mood of unhappiness or depression. 5) A tendency to develop physical symptoms or fears associated with personal or school problems. 6) Being schizophrenic.

14 Difficulties “accessing the curriculum” –Can include learning disabilities, ADHD, or even unexplainable failure to progress (as long as it doesn’t fit under a different domain) A severe discrepancy between intelligence and academic ability, or –Was defined as a 1.5 SD difference between intelligence and academic performance –Also may be defined by a significant delay Failure to progress under evidence-based interventions

15 The assessment generally results in: –A determination of IEP eligibility under one of the 14 domains, or –Eligibility for accommodations through a 504 plan If the parent disagrees with the assessment plan or eligibility determination, they can: –Request an additional evaluation be conducted at public expense An outside evaluator assesses the student, the school district pays for it –Initiate the resolution process

16 Attended by Sp.Ed. Teacher, Parents, and anyone else on the team (regular Ed. teacher, speech therapist, psychologist, occupational therapist). –All must attend, can only be excused if parent allows it. The parent may also bring an advocate, such as the child’s therapist. Five Components: –Assessment –Current Levels –Needs –Goals and Services –Placement

17 Resource Special Day Class Occupational Therapy Counseling Speech/Language Adaptive Physical Education Assistive Technology

18 Classroom/Behavioral Support Plan (BSP/CSP) –The team will develop a CSP to address behavioral difficulties in the class –Interventions must be developed to replace maladaptive behavior with alternative acceptable behaviors Functional Analysis Assessment (FAA) –If the child demonstrates serious behaviors, or the CSP isn’t effective, and IEP meeting will be held to arrange a FAA, an assessment by someone training in Functional Analysis Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP) –Developed following the FAA detailing interventions that will be utilized to address behavioral problems or crisis

19 Parents may disagree with... –Eligibility determination –Services offered –Placement decisions If parents disagree... 1)They should first attempt to resolve their differences with the team. 2)If they can’t, a resolution meeting is held. 3)If issues persist, the parent may file a formal due process complaint with the State Department of Education, which will result in a court or hearing or mediation. They can ask the school for their resolution procedures, resolution meeting (if parent does not bring a lawyer, the school may not bring one either) They can request an Individual Educational Evaluation (IEE) to be conducted at public expense –If the school does not agree to pay, they must initiate a hearing to prove that their evaluation was appropriate The can file a complaint –A resolution meeting my be held with the parents within 30 days of filing the complaint. Parents must attend this meeting. –They can request mediation, –

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