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Securing Counselor Meetings Action Planning and Brainstorming to Secure Counselor Meetings, especially in difficult situations.

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Presentation on theme: "Securing Counselor Meetings Action Planning and Brainstorming to Secure Counselor Meetings, especially in difficult situations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Securing Counselor Meetings Action Planning and Brainstorming to Secure Counselor Meetings, especially in difficult situations

2 Objectives  We will identify challenges and successes with securing meeting with high school counselors  We will identify and brainstorm strategies to open communication with counselors at high schools  We will create action steps to utilize when attempting to secure counselor meetings in the future

3 Why does this matter? - The Institute of Learning

4 We are (College)  We want to connect with as many students as possible, and counselors are usually the gatekeepers to students as high schools  We want to present to and meet as many students as possible, and drive them to apply and enroll at college  We want students to consider college above other schools because of the connectedness students have with recruiters

5 then INFORM We have to have access to the students before we can inspire them! To INSPIRE

6 Plan of Action Protocol - The Institute of Learning

7 Step 1 – Identify Target Schools  What schools are you having trouble getting into?

8 Step 2 – Update of Completed Attempts  What have you done to this point?  Include what has been successful and what has not

9 Step 3 – Discussion of New Ideas/Strategies  What could you do that you haven’t done yet?  Generate new ideas with your group about what new things you could try  Other group member make suggestions from their schools

10 Step 4 – Personal Action Plan  What should I do next?  Using your knowledge of your school and the new ideas generated, create an action plan for your Target School  Plan when to complete the action plan over next 1-2 weeks

11 Reflection - The Institute of Learning

12 Reflection  What was helpful about the protocol?  What was challenging about the protocol?  What will you do as a result of the work you did today?

13 Next Steps  Use the solutions you obtained today to take action in your challenging schools  Report your progress in those schools to your manager

14 Thank you. Copyright © 2014 Arizona Board of Regents, All rights reserved

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