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Galatians #1 The Legalism of the Law vs. Liberty in Christ Jesus.

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2 Galatians #1 The Legalism of the Law vs. Liberty in Christ Jesus

3 Galatians #1- Introduction  Here’s where we are headed this month: 5 th now- Introduction: The Challenge to Liberty (pm)- Biographical Argument: Independent Revelation, Part A 12 th (am)- Biographical Argument: Independent Revelation, Part B (pm)- Theological Argument: Failure of Legalism, Part A 19 th (am)-Theological Argument: Failure of Legalism, Part B 26 th (am)-Practical Argument: Effects of Liberty (pm)-Conclusion: Motives & Price of Liberty

4 Galatians #1- Introduction  Introduction to the Introduction: -Most difficult of the lessons to prepare -Bear in mind, we are “changing gears”- >from James (in James) to Paul (in Galatians) >Both epistles deal with the same basic first major problem of the Church- Judaism: James sought to restrict misconceptions of ethical freedom through a better understanding of faith/works, Jas.1:25 > 2:14-26. Galatians seeks to point out that neither Jews nor Gentiles could be saved from sin by self- effort or keeping the Law, Gal.3:13-14.

5 Galatians #1- Introduction  Further gear changes: James is very basic, fundamental, and practical to the core. It spells out how one is act, speak, worship, and treat one another under this new Perfect Law of Liberty of Christ. Galatians is much more technically and formally written, to show by logic, reason, and argumentation (almost debate) that justification cannot be from the Law of Moses. Same place- but very different roads taken.

6 Galatians #1- Introduction  Now, The Particulars: I. Authorship Given 1:1, no one legitimately doubts Paul’s authorship of the letter. II. Date This is subject to much debate in literature and commentaries. It is a matter of: Date determining Addresses orAddresses determining Date Here’s the problem...

7 Galatians #1- Introduction  “Galatia” was a region. But, It was a region divided not only by history, but by governmental control. “Galatia” originally referred to the territory of north central Asia Minor where the invading Gauls settled in the third century B.C. and established an independent kingdom for years. The people were gradually absorbed into other peoples living in the area and eventually the territory came under Roman control in 25 B.C. The Romans in turn incorporated this northern section into the southern province and called it “Galatia”.

8 Galatians #1- Introduction  So, the here’s the rub- Does “Galatia” refer to the northern section of the region, Or, does “Galatia” refer to the southern section of the region? The answer has much to do with on which of Paul’s journeys the churches there were established. The southern churches were established on his first journey and the more northern ones were founded on his second and third journey.



11 Galatians #1- Introduction  Since, The churches of the southern region are prominently identified in Acts (Derbe, Lystra, and Iconium), And the northern churches of Pessinus, Ancyra, and Tavium are scarcely mentioned, It seems more probable (to me) that the letter is addressed to the more southern churches which were established on the first journey. This gives the letter a much earlier date of somewhere around 48 or 49 A.D.

12 Galatians #1- Introduction  What difference does it make? A lot! It has to do with the development of this first major apostasy of Judaism in the church (saying that Gentile converts to Christ had to be circumcised and keep the Law of Moses also). The context of the letter, apart from other influencing factors relative to the date, seems to demand enough time for this apostasy to have reached churches in this region and for Paul to really be worked up about snuffing it out!

13 Galatians #1- Introduction III. The Content of the Letter. -It is not an essay of contemporary history. -It is not a letter written to establish faith in Christ, or to establish the church. -It is not a letter written to encourage or build faith. -It is a protest letter against the corruption of the gospel. -It is an angry, war-like chastisement of the churches of this region for “falling away” and being deserters!

14 Galatians #1- Introduction III. The Content of the Letter. Notice, vv.1-2 The Author & Addressees vv.3-5 The Foundation of Fellowship: Mutual Salvation through Jesus. But after the opening pleasantries, vv.6-9: -deserters, v.6a -different gospel, disturbed, distorted, vv.6b-7 -pronouncement of the curse, vv.8-10.

15 Galatians #1- Introduction Thus begins this fiery letter of rebuke. But understand Paul’s anger. The churches for which Christ had died, and he had so vigorously worked, were being corrupted to the point of loss by these early false influences of the remainders of Judaism. He was not going to have it, at any cost!

16 Galatians #1- Introduction  Preliminary Conclusions: The gospel can be distorted, v.7. It does make a difference what one believes and practices- even within Christ! vv.8-9 Because souls are at stake! 5:4


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