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A healthy planet means: clean water, air, soil We can’t live without air!

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Presentation on theme: "A healthy planet means: clean water, air, soil We can’t live without air!"— Presentation transcript:


2 A healthy planet means: clean water, air, soil

3 We can’t live without air!

4 Air is a mixture of gases, water vapour and dust

5 Problem №1: Carbon dioxide in the megapolis

6 Problem № 2: Dust in the megapolis

7 The object: school and school grounds

8 Are carbon dioxide and dust in the air of school and nearby dangerous?

9 Hypothesis: we can judge the environmental safety of the object by the results of the analysis of the air.

10 Our Tasks

11 1) To study literature and the Net. 2) To study the methods of research of carbon dioxide and solid impurities in the air 3) To do the ecological monitoring of the air in the classrooms and near the school 4) To analyze the results 5) To suggest ways to improve the situation 6)To make a computer presentation 7) To make a version in English.

12 The results will be presented at the school scientific conference

13 We look forward to cooperation with you!

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