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Published byLora Carson Modified over 9 years ago
1 Serving society Stimulating innovation Supporting legislation INSPIRE MIWP 14 Thematic clusters - 1 year of building communities to support INSPIRE implementation Robert Tomas, INSPIRE Thematic clusters coordinator 1 st MIWP 14 Meeting, Rome, 30.11.-1.12. 2015
INSPIRE Thematic Clusters Interoperability is better achieved …sharing solutions in a collaborative way
Background: INSPIRE Forum “Connecting people and sharing knowledge” Main objectives: Re-launch community activity / participation Help Member States and Stakeholders in the implementation of INSPIRE Establish a common point of contact to ask/discusssolve thematic issues Reflection of the outcomes of the INSPIRE MID-Term Evaluation Public Survey. INSPIRE Thematic Clusters on-line collaboration platform from 11.12.2014
INSPIRE Thematic clusters platform 9 Thematic clusters = Groups of INPSIRE data themes each is led by a facilitator (domain experts with INSPIRE knowledge + established network of contacts) Statistical & Human Health Cluster – Miroslaw Migacz Marine & Atmosphere Cluster – Keiran Millard Earth Science Cluster – Amelia Baptie Land Cover & Land Use Cluster – Lena Hallin-Pihlatie Elevation, Orthoimagery, Reference System & Geographical Grid – Jordi Escriu Environmental Monitoring & Observations Cluster – Alessandro Sarretta Biodiversity & Management Areas Cluster – Brian Mac Sharry Facilities, Utilities & Public Services Cluster – Angel Lopez Alos Topographic & Cadastral Data Cluster – Anja Hopfstock
Thematic cluster facilitator - tasks Task 1: Aggregation and publishing of information about the state of the implementation in a thematic domain / cluster Task 2: Facilitate communication / exchange of implementation progress, issues, priorities and roadmaps Task 3: Platform content maintenance and administration Task 4: Active promotion of the on-line collaboration platform Initial phase (12.2014 – 06.2015) Second phase (07.2015 – 12.2015) Task 5: Collect, evaluate, register change proposals to the INSPIRE Technical documentation
INSPIRE Thematic cluster activity summary Teleconferences every 3 weeks Promotion of clusters via established networks, thematic events, webinars Inspire conference (Lisbon, June 2015) = activity milestone: Common TC poster 9 leaflets 3 workshops (LU, Topo, O&M) TC presentations 9x 2 x overview presentations …part of the Inspire both Phase 1 = Final activity reports Collection, registration 72 change proposals
Thematic clusters platform statistics 30.11.2015 590 registered members 50 groups (groups + sub-groups) 344 discussion topics 795 responses 133 files uploaded 123 dedicated pages 72 62 134 98 59 49 132 81 members 102
INSPIRE Thematic clusters platform Common categories The platform is open to all For active participation (discussions, adding new topics, best practice etc.) - ECAS registration needed + joining relevant groups / sub- groups. Thematic use case 86 Data model/scope 211 Common terminology 44 Encoding 124 Data quality 23 Evolution - Thematic extensions 59 Portrayal 21 EU Thematic databases 61 S/W tools 115 Member State issues 126 Platform utilisation 46 Political/organisational framework 53 Codelists 88 Best Practice 149 Interoperability 119 Data provision 124 Data used for e-reporting 31 Recommended Implementation Examples 24
Thematic clusters platform Selected on-going discussion topics SOS V2.0 Offerings Harmonizing population grid data into the INSPIRE data model ( data-into-the-inspire-data-model) data-into-the-inspire-data-model PS data model regarding designations Update of the INSPIRE Network Model Linear referencing (using length for network referencing) Road link positions on road sequences ( network-model) network-model EEA-Eionet, NRC, EIS Meeting Copenhagen 25-26.11.2015
Thematic clusters platform Selected on-going discussion topics Is the Land Cover Class code list to be used or not? ( code-list-to-be-used-or-not) code-list-to-be-used-or-not How to encode EL & OI coverages? ( Layer naming INSPIRE in the context of PRTR/IED (Industrial Emissions Directive) ( context-of-prtried-industrial-emissions-directive) context-of-prtried-industrial-emissions-directive OF Data specification – Use of Codelists EEA-Eionet, NRC, EIS Meeting Copenhagen 25-26.11.2015
Thematic clusters facilitators - proposal for changes/additions 72+ changes/additions proposed (deadline 6.11.) All registered and documented in the INSPIRE MIG collaborative platform – clusters/issues?query_id=30 1 st MIWP 14 Meeting, Rome, 30.11.-1.12. 2015
INSPIRE Thematic clusters possible improvements How to overcome the “mental” barrier to publish an issue/question on the EC platform. Management/registration of cross theme issues/discussion topics. Better use of content categories. Complete descriptions of recommended best practices. (ARE3NA?). How to generate EU products (e.g. EU layers) 1 st MIWP 14 Meeting, Rome, 30.11.-1.12. 2015
INSPIRE Thematic clusters Outlook and planning Follow up on the proposal for change/addition proposals. Continue promoting the platform (its content) during thematic domain events. Organize set of webinars inviting registered cluster members (team building, priority settings, burning issues etc.) Better involve MIG-T experts in the Thematic Clusters discussions (e.g. taking responsibility for cross theme technical issues) Complete the EU network of MS thematic contact points (experts) to support facilitators with their effort to get better input as well as to raise awareness. 1 st MIWP 14 Meeting, Rome, 30.11.-1.12. 2015
Looking for your participation… Open platform where implementers can build communities, share experiences, best practices, raise questions and resolve issues... 590registered members 344 discussion topics 795 responses 133 files uploaded 123 dedicated pages JOIN & PARTICIPATE IN THE THEMATIC CLUSTERS
MIWP 14 - Thematic clusters facilitators - proposal for changes/additions 72+ changes/additions proposed (deadline 6.11.) All registered and documented in the INSPIRE MIG collaborative platform – clusters/issues?query_id=30 + original proposals for changes received before the MIG MIWP – to be evaluated 1 st MIWP 14 Meeting, Rome, 30.11.-1.12. 2015
Thematic clusters facilitators - proposal for changes/additions 1.Typos 9 2.Code list - better definitions, replacements, additions 10 3.Code list management 4 4.Extended schemas – adding spatial object types/ property 10 5.TG clarifying of text – mainly data scoping, references 22 6.UML / schema related harmonization, clarification etc. 14 7.Addition of Portrayal alignment 2 1 st MIWP 14 Meeting, Rome, 30.11.-1.12. 2015
Thematic clusters facilitators - proposal for changes/additions Environmental Monitoring and Observations Cluster 1 Earth Science Cluster 3 Facilities, Utilities and Public Services Cluster 5 Topographic and Cadastral Reference Data 19 Biodiversity and Management Areas Cluster 17 Elevation, Orthoimagery, Reference Systems, Geographical Grids Cluster 12 Marine and Atmosphere Cluster 6 Land Cover and Land Use Cluster 4 Statistical Cluster 2 EC INSPIRE CT 3 1 st MIWP 14 Meeting, Rome, 30.11.-1.12. 2015
Thematic clusters facilitators - proposal for changes/additions facilitator’s evaluation 1.Maturity Category (Highest priority, well debated) 34 2.Maturity Category (Highest priority, not enough debated) 24 3.Maturity Category (not highest priority and not enough debated) 14 1 st MIWP 14 Meeting, Rome, 30.11.-1.12. 2015
Thematic clusters facilitators - proposal for changes/additions facilitator’s evaluation 1.Maturity Category (Highest priority, well debated) 34 2.Maturity Category (Highest priority, not enough debated) 24 3.Maturity Category (not highest priority and not enough debated) 14 1 st MIWP 14 Meeting, Rome, 30.11.-1.12. 2015
Thematic clusters facilitators - proposal for changes/additions MIWP14 evaluation 1.CATEGORY 1 – FULL acceptance with no follow up activities 18 2.CATEGORY 2 – FULL acceptance with some minor follow up activities 10 3.CATEGORY 3 – FULL acceptance with heavier follow up activities 7 4.CATEGORY 4 – no acceptance at this time 0 1 st MIWP 14 Meeting, Rome, 30.11.-1.12. 2015
Thematic clusters facilitators - proposal for changes/additions MIWP14 evaluation lessons learned 1.Some proposals lead to generic unsolved issues – endorsement of extensions, use of some common types, code list types + extensions.. 2.How to speed up the IR change proposals 3.Theme specific corrigenda pages 4.Implications for already existing services 5.…. 1 st MIWP 14 Meeting, Rome, 30.11.-1.12. 2015
Thematic clusters facilitators - proposal for changes/additions follow up steps 1.Follow up MIWP14 meeting (3 rd week in January – Categories 2 and 3) 2.MIG-T cat 1 evaluation before the end of the year 3.Member States consultation 4.MIG-P endorsement 5.Realization of changes 1 st MIWP 14 Meeting, Rome, 30.11.-1.12. 2015
Thank you for your attention. Questions? “INSPIRing a sustainable environment’’
Workflow for proposals for thematic additions/changes to the Technical Guidelines Thematic cluster discussion topic Facilitator consolidation of the topic Update of the Technical Guidelines MIG 14 WG - Thematic cluster discussion and decision Proposal for change/addition to a TG to MIG-T Facilitator decision on proposal for addition/change to TG MIG-T decision on proposal for addition/change to the TG ROME MEETING 30.11.-1.12. ROME MEETING 1-2.12.
Why? Complex and extensive INSPIRE DS Technical documentation- difficulties with discovering correct up-to-date documents- need for downloading whole documentsLimited possibilities for comparing more documents/sectionsNeed for IT/modeling skills (e.g. UML) to be able to read/understand- understanding of relationships/dependencies between spatial objectsLimited possibilities for extracting the INSPRE data content related to your dataset What? The INSPIRE Interactive Data Specification Toolkit offers INSPIRE data providers two applications to support them in implementation of the INSPIRE data specifications. Statistics No themes: 34 No application schema: 76 No objects: 1195 No attributes: 4965 No generalizations: 532 No association objects: 292 No codelist: 292 No pages Data Specification documents: 4928 Direct Search allows you to iteratively search for an INSPIRE object(s) using a text string. The search engine looks in the labels, definitions and descriptions of all existing/defined INSPIRE spatial objects, application schemas and data themes. The collection of selected object can also be than saved/printed in a PDF/DOCX structured document. Direct Search using the definition and description of the INSPIRE Data Themes. InteractiveWorkflow starts with an intuitive selection of INSPIRE data theme(s) followed by the selection of relevant application schema(s). The next step is about selecting concrete spatial objects based on their definitions. This object pre-selection is confirmed in the following step. The final list of all selected objects including their properties (attributes) as well as all associated objects can be than saved/printed in a PDF/DOCX structured document. Direct Selection of Themes using a common list of INSPIRE Data Themes. Find you scope helps you to find those INSPIRE spatial object types and their properties that are relevant to your dataset(s). Benefits Understanding which of your data properties need to be transformed&Comparing your data with wider community standards to identify potentials gaps and/or thematic extensions Read/Compare Technical Guidelines The application Read/Compare Technical Guidelines facilitates the reading of INSPIRE Data Specification – Technical Guidelines documents by enabling to study only selected parts of the INSPIRE technical documentation. Furthermore the selected parts can be compared with the same parts (e.g. Use case descriptions) from up to 2 data themes. Future plans 1.Automatic generation of XSDs from the selection of spatial object types 2. Alignment with others control vocabularies e.g. GEMET - Search for synonyms 3. Searching in the whole DataSpec documents - using SOLR
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