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Haiti Elementary Math in the U.S. By Suzanne Sells.

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1 Haiti Elementary Math in the U.S. By Suzanne Sells

2 About Haiti  95% black and 5% mulatto and white  Languages are French and Creole  Majority of the population is aged 25-54 closely followed by 0-14 year olds  Religions in Haiti are Roman Catholic, Protestant, voodoo, other, and some do not practice religion  Republican government

3 About Haiti Cont.  Haiti’s economy is free market  The unemployment rate is 40.6%  More than half the population is below poverty

4 History of Haiti  Tainos were the natives to Haiti who were annihilated within 25 years by the Spanish settlers.  Spain then gave the French the western third of the island which became Haiti  Haiti became the first black-led nation post- colonial  Declared it’s independence in 1804  Experienced instability majority of it’s history

5 History Cont.  Independence day is January 1  Natural disasters, poverty, racial discord, and political instability have all struck the small country over time

6 Education in Haiti  Expenditures are not available  15 years and older can read and write  60.7% of the total population can read and write  64.3% of them are males  57.3% are females  Haitians who are 25 and older have only received on average 4.9 years of education  School expenses are often a burden for families in Haiti

7 Education in Haiti Cont.  Half of public sector teachers lack basic qualifications  80% of teachers do not have pre-service training  United States is continually working to help improve the quality of education  More than 50% of children going to school are overaged

8 Education in Haiti Cont.  Less than 2% of students do not pass the spertifica exam at the end of 5 th grade due to the test being in French which most students do not speak/know

9 U.S. and Haiti Working on Teaching  The Organization of American States is working with the Haitian Ministry of Education and Teachers without Boarders on a 3 year teacher professional development program for Haitian teachers.  Working together will help Haitian teachers learn ways to teach the children and to improve the curriculum while American teachers will gain knowledge on how to teach Haitian students in their own classrooms here in the states.

10 Haiti vs U.S.  Every teacher in the U.S. needs to go through training to be a teacher and pass exams as well as go to school to study education while in Haiti more than half the teachers do not have training and many people have only gone to school themselves for about 5 years  50% of primary aged children are not enrolled in school in Haiti while in the U.S. it is required to go to school.  All children in the U.S go to school or get home schooled while in Haiti 1/3 of girls over the age of six never go to school

11 Haiti vs. U.S. cont.  In Haiti 30% of children going to school will not make it to 3 rd grade and 60% dropout before 6 th grade while in the U.S. it is illegal to dropout that young  U.S. schools are all accredited while in Haiti less than 40% are.

12 Migration in Haiti  Haitians came over by boat and were considered “boat people” who arrived in Florida  The Dominican Republic has received temporary and permanent Haitian migrants  Haitians are the fourth largest immigrant group in the United States

13 How to Introduce Math  Math in Haiti is the same as it is in the United States. The best way to teach this to Haitian students would be to learn mathematical terms in creole to then be able to say them in both their native language and English so they not only learn math but are also learning English as well.

14 Math in the United States  Math in the United States is a heavily focused subject with various standards for each grade level.  The standards are available at

15 Bibliography  (n.d.). Retrieved July 30, 2015, from https://s-media-cache-  CIA (2014). The World Factbook. Retrieved from factbook/geos/ha.html. factbook/geos/ha.html  Education. (n.d.). Retrieved July 30, 2015, from  Education System in Haiti. (n.d.). Retrieved July 30, 2015, from  Haiti. (n.d.). Retrieved July 30, 2015, from work/north-america/haiti work/north-america/haiti  Haiti - Migration. (n.d.). Retrieved July 30, 2015.  Haiti Statistics - Haiti Partners. (n.d.). Retrieved July 30, 2015, from us/haiti-statistics/ us/haiti-statistics/  History of Haiti. (n.d.). Retrieved July 30, 2015.  Mathematics Standards. (n.d.). Retrieved July 30, 2015.

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