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CHAPTER 9 SECTION 2 US History Section 2-4 Click the Speaker button to replay the audio. Conestoga wagon.

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3 Section 2-4 Click the Speaker button to replay the audio. Conestoga wagon

4 Westward Expansion Many farmers moved West into Kentucky and TN  Conestoga Wagons – sturdy vehicles with white canvas tops  Two main possessions – Rifle and Ax Louisiana Territory - area west of the Mississippi River (claimed by Spain)  Anchored by the trading port of New Orleans  Spanish allowed the settlers to use NO for a port  From NO, the goods sailed to the East Coast Spain secretly traded the Territory to France  Napoleon Bonaparte – France’s leader  Jefferson feared French control of the Territory

5 It is Revolting Santa Domingo – Caribbean naval base  Africans, inspired by the French Revolution, revolted against the island’s plantation owners  Led by Toussaint-Louverture  Bonaparte captured the leader, but could not regain control  Island renamed to original name = Haiti Napoleon decided to sell the Louisiana Territory  Charles de Tallyrand tells America it is for sale  Livingston and James Monroe – agreed to $15 million  The Purchase doubled the American land mass  Jefferson worried that it was illegal, but Congress supported it

6 Chapter Assessment 11 Geography and History Activity

7 DFS 9-2 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer.

8 Lewis and Clark Meriwether Lewis, 28 year old secretary, and William Clark, 32 year old co-leader  Job was to scientifically explore the new territory  Left St. Lewis in the spring of 1804 and followed the Missouri River  After encountering many Native American groups, a Shoshone girl named Sacagawea joined the group  After 18 months and 4,000 miles, the group reached the Pacific Ocean  The expedition returned in September 1806 Zebulon Pike – led two expeditions  Traveled North through CO and saw a peak he called “Grand Peak” (today called “Pikes Peak”)  Traveled South (were captured by the Spanish)

9 Civil Unrest Federalists feared that the Territory would created more Republican states  They planned to secede- withdrawal  They wanted New England to form the “Northern Confederacy”  Federalists turned to Aaron Burr to try to gain control of New York, thus creating the Confederacy Alexander Hamilton accused Aaron Burr of treason  Burr lost the election for governor and blamed Hamilton  Burr challenged Hamilton to a duel  July 1804 – Weehawken, NJ – the two men were armed to fire  Burr shot Hamilton, who died the next day, and fled from arrest

10 Section 2-18 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answers. Checking for Understanding __ leave or withdraw __ 2.sturdy vehicle topped with white canvas and used by pioneers to move west A.Conestoga wagon B.secede Define Match the terms on the right with their definitions on the left. B A

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