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Learning Services LST March 2013. Essential Questions How do we move forward now that AISI $ had been cut? Facilitation Strategies: Isn’t working with.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Services LST March 2013. Essential Questions How do we move forward now that AISI $ had been cut? Facilitation Strategies: Isn’t working with."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Services LST March 2013

2 Essential Questions How do we move forward now that AISI $ had been cut? Facilitation Strategies: Isn’t working with adults the same as working with kids? What are some strategies I can use to facilitate staff learning around the data we have collected? What are some literacy strategies for addressing student needs at the universal level?

3 AISI Update Budget Where to from here? –LST time –Our focus around the QLE –Collaborative time in schools Other Questions?

4 The initiative formerly known as AISI…

5 How about… –CEISI (See-zee) – Chinook’s Edge Initiative for School Improvement –GACT (Gacked) – Growth and Collaboration of Teachers –QLECE (Klee-see) – Quality Learning Environments in Chinook’s Edge –FOQLE (Fockle) – Focus on Quality Learning Environments –TGT – Teachers Growing Together

6 Or… WANDA – We are never dropping AISI ____________ - Staff Collaboration and Reflection Endeavors Without Education Dollars…

7 Your turn… As a table group, come up with an acronym that will describe our work together as a district Build a PowerPoint slide in Google Presentations – Don’t use Explorer! –Table 1 works on slide 1 –Table 2 works on slide 2…

8 Table Conversations –What have you done with your staff since we last met? (How does that learning connect to our Continuum?) –What have you learned? –What are you and your LST members committing to in the next 30 days? –What support do you need? –What questions do you have for us?

9 Adult Learning Everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask…

10 Questions to be addressed? What is andragogy? (An-druh-go-jee) What are some of the assumptions of adult learning?

11 Andragogy Pedagogy -Literally means “leading children” -The art and science of teaching children Andragogy (An-druh-go-je) The art and science of helping adults learn

12 Malcolm Knowles Father of adult learning Harvard University Director of YMCA Astronomy class The Modern Practice of Adult Education: Andragogy vs. Pedagogy Published over 230 articles & 18 books

13 Pedagogy vs. Andragogy

14 8 Assumptions of Adult Learning

15 Adult Learning: so what? Implications for practice:

16 Break

17 Trust

18 Your needs:

19 What is protocol? Protocols are well defined processes to look at data, students work, to refine projects….

20 What are we doing during a protocol?

21 Review Data School Based Assessments Diagnostic Assessments Anecdotal Records Student Work Samples Report Card Data Provincial Achievement Test Results Diploma Exam Results Student Learner Profiles Accountability Pillar Survey

22 Group Norms Keep it relevant to the data Keep it respectful Keep it safe (no criticism) Keep an open mind Participate

23 Modeling the way Jerry – literacy (reading) (can be used for any quantitative data) - Boardroom Carmen - literacy (writing) – example using qualitative data – CAR A Lissa – a conversation about Peer Observation and looking at a supporting document

24 Tuning Protocols What are the next steps in meeting your schools goal (planning? looking at student work? implementing content? Reflecting?) Back to the wiki

25 Lunch

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