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Peter Moon Vocabulary The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle.

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Presentation on theme: "Peter Moon Vocabulary The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peter Moon Vocabulary The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle

2 Adversity Definition: Bad luck. The Superstar had to overcame many adversities to become famous.

3 Brawny Definition: Physically Robust. The brawny Gladiator defeated its opponent with one slash of his sword.

4 Congenial Definition: A person that is pleasant because his/her qualities match your own. Sam vowed to his parents that he would marry someone that is congenial to him.

5 Decorum Definition: Behavior in keeping good manners, and etiquette. Because Sam had no idea of funeral decorum, he didn’t know what to do.

6 Docile Definition: Compliant My docile children do whatever I tell them to do.

7 Quell Definition: To destroy a rebellion or other disorder using the power of force. Muscular military generals quelled the quarrel using force.

8 Reprieve Definition: to delay, or nullify the punishment of somebody especially someone condemned to death. The supreme court judges reprieved the criminal. Delay

9 Slanderous Definition: the action or crime of making rumors, damaging one’s reputation. The group of boys made up a slander about the new girl who looked like a geek.

10 Transpire Definition: Take place The accident transpired at about 4:50 p.m. in front of the white house.

11 Vigilant Definition: Watching out for potential dangers or difficulties. Our vigilant dog always watched out for burglars, or thieves.

12 Ardent Definition: extremely passionate The ardent singer sang through the song with all his heart.

13 Somber Definition: In a melancholy mood. The somber look on his face wouldn’t fade away after he lost his favorite book.

14 Ambition Definition: Determination into achieving something through hard work. Although he was poor, his ambitions were richer than the wealthiest person to ever exist.

15 Eminent Definition: Someone that is prominent and dignified because of their professions. His excellence in engineering increased his eminence.

16 Intoxicating Definition: When alcoholic drinks or drugs influences someone into losing control of their moral behavior. We all knew his intoxicating behavior was all because of the 12 bottles of beer he drank.

17 Commendation Definition: to praise officially or formally. The CEO greatly commended his workers for their hard work.

18 Intone Definition: To recite with a voice modulation My friend intoned his voice as he mimicked Korean Pop songs.

19 Impression Definition: Your initial feeling about somebody or someone. First impressions about people don’t last long.

20 Obligation Definition: Commitment to your responsibility. The teachers were obligated to give the students homework.

21 Succumbing Definition: Fail to withstand some negative forces. Even the great warrior Lala succumbed after being tortured.

22 Confining Definition: To keep or limit someone or something within. The convicted criminals were confined in a small room.

23 Agog Definition: Extremely eager or intrigued to hear or see something. Charlotte was agog to see if the lions actually meowed like a cat. Eager to Learn!

24 Gesticulated Definition: Using gestures, mainly dramatic ones in replacement of speaking or emphasizing one’s words. The people frantically shouted and gesticulated for the bus driver to slow down.

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