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2006 PS&SPS days Summary of key issues and Action Plan.

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Presentation on theme: "2006 PS&SPS days Summary of key issues and Action Plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 2006 PS&SPS days Summary of key issues and Action Plan

2 2006 PS&SPS days (18-19/01/06) The Workshop will focus on the start-up of the PS & SPS complex in 2006 after the long shut-down in 2005 J.P.DELAHAYE: Chairman, P.COLLIER: Scientific secretary 18/01/06 am: Session 1: What Has Been Done Conveners: S.BAIRD (Chairman)Session 1: What Has Been Done 18/06/01 pm: Session 2: Re-commissioning and Testing the Equipment Conveners: M.BENEDIKT (Chairman); R.STEERENBERG (Scientific Sec.) 19/01/06 am Session 3: Start-up with Beam (from the CCC) Conveners: G.ARDUINI (Chairman); E.METRAL (Scientific Secretary)Session 2: Re-commissioning and Testing the EquipmentSession 3: Start-up with Beam (from the CCC) 19/06/01 pm Summary and Action Plan Conveners: J.P.DELAHAYE and P.COLLIER A nalysis by the session conveners based on your recommendationsSummary and Action Plan

3 PS-SPS Days Session 1 What has been done Major concerns, items requiring follow-up and recommended actions

4 PS Dipoles –25 renovated & 4 renovated spares; probably got the weakest –Situation good, thanks to a big effort from a lot of people –Future: Plan to renovate 8 magnets/year for next 3 shutdowns; material and know-how available – AT/AVC resources NOT presently available SPS dipoles –7 leaks in 2004, internal water erosion = some coil damage –Not able to diagnose externally and cannot repair in situ –Concerns for beam availability, –Does this problem define limitations for longer FT’’s & faster ramps? –Need to understand what is happening –What will we do if magnets start failing in 2006 –Need a long term plan Diluters (TPSG’s) for SPS septa –Cannot withstand a direct hit from a full LHC beam, but septa are protected –Be careful about using TT40 for target practice SPS MKE impedance reduction –1/9 done. If succesfull should be for all 9

5 PS Main Power Supply (Freddy’s nightmare) –Spare rotor installed (after 2004 “near failure”) –No spare until July ’06 – even then it will take 1 - 2 months to repair –Modifications due to reduced water temperature BA80 (and others) leaky roof –Cannot run power converters in the rain!!!! –Need URGENT action from TS New PO piquet organisation and PO coordinators –Two teams, where are the boundaries? No major RF concerns –New piquet organisation –SPS timing issues SPS Water cooling has been stopped for 17 months –Delays in PO hardware tests will allow TS/CV to restart systems in advance to fix problems

6 SPS new timing/controls –Mentioned in many talks –Being addressed but “things are tight” dixit OP Group Leader PSB/PS wire scanners –Progress in 2005, many problems understood –Needed from start-up PS CODD –Lots of modifications –Needed from day one PSB sieve –Overhauled and fully operational, but no spare –Essential for LHC pilot beam –Need a spare (See 2005 PSSPS Days – consider a non-mechanical solution) ATB Orphan equipment (250!!) –Need a list from ATB, which can be reviewed (OP, ATB, ABP) to see what is needed with priorities –Decide on consolidation

7 PS-SPS Days Session 2 Recommissioning and Hardware tests Major concerns, items requiring follow-up and recommended actions

8 SPS access system move and testing –Schedule for move, TS/CSE tests, acceptance tests –Clarification of access management during that period (CNGS,...) –Provide detailed planning for the SPS access system including tests and validation (SPS shutdown coordination team). –Access procedures, closing procedures, access management (TS/CSE). PS and SPS access system acceptance –Definition of requirements for system acceptance (DSO). PS access system renovation (longer term) –Was high priority but delayed to resolve SPS problem –Resources to be identified for implementation after SPS (2008) SPS access will be more complicated than in the past. Good planning and grouping will be needed.

9 Access to CCC, new cards – EDH authorization –Clarification of CCC access conditions (within/out working hours) –Planning for distribution of new cards, instructions for requests. –Provide (urgently) documentation and planning for card distribution (Django, Rui). Electrical Safety - Habilitation Electrique –Who needs which level for what type of work… –Cleary need a strategy for a coherent approach. –Safety Commission, AB-Management. SPS power converter tests –No buffer in the planning to account for critical days. –Risk that tests will be delayed into cold check-out phase. –Consider partial tests during critical days/buying days –In case of power limitations priority for SPS over CNGS.

10 PS-SPS Days Session 3 Re-commissioning with (many) beams Major concerns, items requiring follow-up and recommended actions

11 B-trains  first line expert from AT/MTM –Expert support from PO and RF might be required in 2006 and for the PS even later –OP implication Is not supported. Need to have remote switching for PS  AT/MTM + AB/OP PO coordinator idea very well received. –Consider the idea of an equipment contact person for other groups. Occasion to review the coverage by piquet service in the different groups  ABMB Inflector zone –It should be fully operational for allowing long access (e.g. alignment) in the PS with PSB running (from the PS start- up)  ABIC and Safety Committee

12 Many changes have been made in the PS that can affect the start-up Looks more as a re- commmissioning: –Clear procedures for the check of all the involved circuits are vital (in particular PFW)  AT/MEL – R. Steerenberg –Cunning plan for the commissioning with beam with identified milestones and steps in particular for the analysis of the alignment and optics issues)  R. Steerenberg in collaboration with ABP and equipment groups –CODD and tune measurements will be vital for the re- commissioning from day 1  BDI expert support Tight constraints on the magnet re-alignment in case of need. Review of the alignment procedures and vacuum system tolerances  AT/VAC SPS Controls and application SW big bang  SW cold check-out planned

13 Long(er) term recommendations Vacuum activities – Significative amount of work necessary during 2006-07 shut-down (…) – Strong concern about availability of resources PS control access – Will have imperatively to be updated to LHC standards in the (near) future – Resources previously foreseen in Consolidation programme – Priority (correctly) provided to SPS control access because of INB rules – Necessary resources to be re-estimated by TS and allocated as soon as possible (after SPS) PS inflector Zone – Long term solution required for (long enough) access in PS during Booster operation

14 Long(er) term recommendations East Area consolidation –Take advantage of development in North area to be extended to East –Resources to be found SPS magnets –Long term plan needed to improve reliabity SPS impedance –Impedance reduction of the Kickers to be extended to other SPS kickers as soon as method demonstrated efficient. –Launch SPS transverse impedance review aiming at identifying and eliminating major sources

15 Quotes of the day(s) “The 2006 start-up will be challenging for many reasons, but by continuing putting all efforts and goodwill in, together we will make it work again !!!” R.Steerenberg “ Things are tight” P.Collier

16 Thanks to all All of you for your active participation and comments All speakers for their excellent presentations well prepared, well focused on key issues and problems ……and respecting the time for lively discussions The program committee for the excellent preparation, selection of key issues, selection of speakers, moderation discussion and final recommendations. Recommendations will be submitted to ABMB and other concerned departments (AT, TS, SC…) for decision with nomination of a responsible person of each action and a body to report to Final thanks to Sonia Escaffre and Martine Truchet for the excellent overall organisation

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