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Sources of Iron Haem iron sources Non-haem iron sources Offal e.g. liver(11mg/100g) Meat Meat products Chicken Eggs (2mg/100g) Fortified cereals e.g. Wholegrain.

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Presentation on theme: "Sources of Iron Haem iron sources Non-haem iron sources Offal e.g. liver(11mg/100g) Meat Meat products Chicken Eggs (2mg/100g) Fortified cereals e.g. Wholegrain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sources of Iron Haem iron sources Non-haem iron sources Offal e.g. liver(11mg/100g) Meat Meat products Chicken Eggs (2mg/100g) Fortified cereals e.g. Wholegrain flour (4mg/100g) Dark green veg e.g. Spinach (4mg/100g) Fish

2 RDA for Iron Children 8mg Adolescents14mg Adults10mg Pregnancy/Lactation15mg

3 Functions of Iron Needed to make haemoglobin (a pigment) in the red blood cells which is needed to carry oxygen from the lungs to the body cells. Needed to make myoglobin which carries oxygen to muscle. Needed to make certain enzymes.

4 Iron deficiency Tiredness Muscles tire easily Paleness Dizziness Breathlessness Anaemia

5 Caused by shortage of haemoglobin due to lack of iron in diet or failure to absorb the iron (e.g. from lack of Vitamin C) More common in females – menstruation Symptoms: tiredness, dizziness, headaches, paleness, breathlessness, loss of appetite

6 Absorption of Iron Only 15% of the iron you eat is absorbed. Things that help iron absorption: Source: haem iron is easier to absorb Vit C changes ferric iron to the ferrous state which is easier to absorb. If haem and non-haem iron are eaten together Things that hinder absorption: Excess Fibre Tannins (tea, coffee, red wine) Phytic acid(in wholegrains), Oxalic acid (rhubarb & strawberries)

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