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Anti-predator Behavior in Aquatic Invertebrates Eric Hanson Papers Learned recognition of predation risk by Enallagma damselfly larvae (Odonata, zygoptera)

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Presentation on theme: "Anti-predator Behavior in Aquatic Invertebrates Eric Hanson Papers Learned recognition of predation risk by Enallagma damselfly larvae (Odonata, zygoptera)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Anti-predator Behavior in Aquatic Invertebrates Eric Hanson Papers Learned recognition of predation risk by Enallagma damselfly larvae (Odonata, zygoptera) on the basis of chemical cues Responses of larval dragonflies to conspecific and heterospecific predator cues. Behavioral Differences between Enallagma species (Odonata) influencing differential vulnerability to predators Antipredator responses and the perception of danger by mosquito larvae Mutual predation in assembled communities of Odonate species

2 Introduction Antipredator responses are indicated by a reduction in movement or increased refuge use Chemical cues provide sensory information in bleak environments Cannibalism occurs in most species of aquatic invertebrates Dragonfly larvae and most other aquatic invertebrates prey upon smaller conspecifics

3 Learned recognition of predation risk by Enallagma damselfly larvae (Odonate, Zygoptera) on the basis of chemical cues Injury released chemical stimuli from conspecifics represents a predation event Reduction of activity indicates anti-predator behavior A learned recognition of a novel predator cue Enallagma boreale – (one population was exposed to northern pike in its natural environment and the other was not) 3 Experiments: –Population differences: fig 1 –Learned recognition of a novel predator cue: fig 2 –Specificity of response to fish alarm cues: fig 3 Brian D. Wisenden, Douglas P. Chivers, and R. Jan F. Smith

4 FIG. 1. Mean (±SE) change in frequency of feeding strikes, head turns, and walking movements by damselflies that co-occur with pike and those that do not, following exposure to a control of distilled water (W; open bars), pike stimulus (P; hatched bars), or injured conspecific damselflies (D; solid bars). For each behavior, bars with different letters are significantly different from others in that population (KW post hoc multiple comparison test, P < 0.05). Results

5 FIG. 2. Right: Mean (±SE) change in frequency of feeding strikes, head turns, and walking movements for damselflies presented with chemical stimuli from pike and distilled water (W; open bars), pike and injured fathead minnows (M; hatched bars), or pike and injured conspecific damselflies (D; solid bars). Left: Mean (±SE) change in frequency of feeding behaviors for the same damselflies when presented later with chemical stimuli from pike alone. Bars denote conditioning stimuli described above.

6 FIG. 3. Mean (±SE) change in frequency of feeding strikes, head turns, and walking movements for damselflies presented with distilled water (W; open bars), chemical stimuli from injured swordtails (S; hatched bars), or chemical stimuli from injured conspeciflc damselflies (D; solid bars).

7 Conclusions In experiment 1: damselflies that co-occur with pike showed anti-predator behavior to just pike stimuli Single presentation learning (experiments 1 and 2) E. boreale was able to learn anti-predator behavior between heterospecific chemical cues and only pike stimuli

8 Responses of larval dragonflies to conspecific and heterospecific predator cues Larger larvae should represent a predation risk to smaller larvae Plathemis lydia – breeds continuously providing different instars over time Testing to determine if visual, chemical, or a combination are used to determine predation risk –A perforated clear cylinder for control –A clear cylinder with a larger conspecific for visual cues –A perforated cylinder covered in tin foil for chemical cues –Anax junius was used as a heterospecific predator in each group Gavin Ferris and Volker H. W. Rudolf

9 Fig. 1. Mean number of squares occupied by small P. lydia larva for each treatment displayed after correcting for the signifi cant day (block) effect. Control = no predator, Chem = chemical cue, Visual = visual cue, Both = chemical + visual cues from conspecifi c cannibals respectively, Heter. Pred = chemical and visual cues from the heterospecific predator A. junius. Treatments with different letters are significantly different after Dunn – Sidak correction ( P < 0.05).

10 Fig. 2. Mean activity rate of small P. lydia larva for each treatment displayed after correcting for the significant day (block) effect. Activity rate was calculated as the total number of movements per minute observed over a 20-min period.

11 Fig. 3. Mean per capita consumption rate of small P. lydia larva displayed after correcting for the significant day (block) effect. Consumption rates were calculated as the number of prey consumed during a 24-h period.

12 Conclusion Day block effect – significant differences in data collected for each day they ran the experiment Lacking strong significant differences –P. lydia showed an increase in activity to conspecific predator, but a decrease with a heterospecific (A. junius) predator –Differing foraging strategy (bottom sprawlers or sit- and-wait predators) – movement is an appropriate response to a chemical cue in this species –Decreased activity when A. junius is present show that they distinguish between heterospecific and conspecifics, with A. junius representing a more active predator (will hunt P. lydia)

13 Antipredator reponses and the perception of danger by mosquito larvae Accurate anti-predator responses is important to the evolution of the behavior Two species of mosquito: Aedes aegypti and Culex pipiens – with Notonecta undulata (backswimmer) as the predator A. aegypti should be more susceptible to predation by N. undulata than C. pipiens because they don’t ordinarily encounter them Quantified movement and spatial distribution by mosquito as a function of N. unduata density (fig 1) Andrew Sih

14 Methods 100 mosquito larvae were introduced into the center of the container, N. undulata does not like corners Spatial movements were mapped every 30 min, and remaining mosquito larvae were counted every 60 min Experiments were repeated 5 times with 6 hour intervals or when there was <20 mosquito larvae

15 FIG.1. For two species of mosquito larvae, Culex pipiens and Aedes aegypti, the percent of time spent (A) moving and (B) in the central 50% of plastic laboratory tubs, as a function of the density of a predator, Notonecta undulata, and the presence of refuges. (Notonecta was most common in the tub centers and had the highest capture success there.) Each point shown is a mean + 1 standard error. Horizontal lines below predator densities connect treatments that do not differ significantly (T-method). Note: With only one Notonectid, Culex reduced their movement by 79.5% and their use of center by 85.1%, and Aedes were only 15.5% and 18.3% respectively

16 Conclusion Culex was killed at a significantly lower rate than Aedes Culex showed a significantly more precise anti- predator response than Aedes When chemical cues were added, Culex showed a strong response to conspecifics + predator cue (where 60 mosquito larvae were consumed) – none had a significant effect on Aedes Both species showed avoidance, and not just escapism Culex possibly uses chemical cues to more accurately respond to a predation risk

17 Behavioral differences between Enallagma species (Odonata) influencing differential vulnerability to predators 4 species of damselfly larvae studied: Fishless lakes:[E. aspersum, E. boreale] Lakes w/fish [E. vesperurn,E. geminatum] Damselflies that occurred in fishless lakes displayed more conspicuous behaviors and moved more with longer resting periods than did damselflies that occurred in lakes with fish Indicates a learned response to the presence of fish by damselfly larvae Mark A. McPeek

18 Ea = E. aspersum, Eb = E. boreale, Ev = E. vesperurn, Eg = E. geminatum. N=no predator A=Anax junius B=bluegill

19 Mutual predation in assembled communities of odonate species Each of 6 ponds contained equal numbers and equal size distributions of 6 species of odonates 3 ponds were exposed to A. junius as an additional predator In Anax-free ponds, smaller individuals experienced the highest mortality In ponds with Anax, predation was species dependent. P. lydia buried itself to avoid A. junius Active individuals may grow larger, but pose a greater predation risk than individuals that display anti-predator behavior Anti-predator behavior increase maturation time, and ultimately cuts into reproductive fitness as adults (not as much time spent as adult) James V. Robinson and Gary A. Wellborn

20 Final Conclusions Anti-predator behavior in invertebrates occurs with either visual or chemical cues in their environment The more accurate the behavior, the best cost to fitness ratio occurs Invertebrates can learn to associate novel predatory cues with a predation event, and respond by escapism or avoidance Predator/prey relationships that evolved together have the most significant anti-predator reactions\ Learning occurs fast; usually after only one encounter I’m running an experiment to test whether or not A. junius will display anti-predator behavior to conspecifics and if they can learn to associate a novel predator cue with predation risk

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