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USD 261 Haysville District Initiatives. USD261 Haysville DISTRICT MOTTO: Caring, effective learning for all. MISSION STATEMENT : The mission of the Haysville.

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Presentation on theme: "USD 261 Haysville District Initiatives. USD261 Haysville DISTRICT MOTTO: Caring, effective learning for all. MISSION STATEMENT : The mission of the Haysville."— Presentation transcript:

1 USD 261 Haysville District Initiatives

2 USD261 Haysville DISTRICT MOTTO: Caring, effective learning for all. MISSION STATEMENT : The mission of the Haysville Public Schools is to advance learning for all through the relentless pursuit of excellence.

3 Rigor Relevance Results Relationships Responsive Culture Future Accreditation will be based on 5 components

4 Top 10 Common District Initiatives

5 Literacy First Implemented for all grades Pre-K to 12 th 120 Minutes of Reading Instruction Data Drives Instruction Focused on Good Teaching Consultant Visits and LRS role

6 Math  Everyday Math – 60 or more minutes of math instruction  Manipulatives Emphasized  Student Engagement  Relevance

7 Academic Walk-Throughs  Locally Designed  Monitoring student learning  Administrators, Coaches, and LRS  Over 1500

8 MTSS Implementation Action Plan completed for each Building Assessments: Literacy First / My Data First AimsWeb – Math and Reading State Assessments as well as Interims and Formatives Scantron Achievement Series (6-12) Scantron Performance Series (6, 8, 9, 10)

9 Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) Bully Prevention (OLWEUS) PRIDE Committees in each building Promotes positive behaviors Class Meetings Survey Tools for staff

10 Professional Learning Communities (PLC) Grade level Teams Data Driven Discussions Subject / Curriculum Teams Critical Questions Scantron implemented for Common Assessments

11 Professional Development TLC offerings – at least 1 per teacher Based on Bldg. and District needs assessment Literacy First Training provided by district staff (trainer of trainers)

12 Focused Instruction based on state standards for blocks of time for reading (120 minutes) and math (60 minutes or more) – and flexible groups for reading and math Increased use of Technology student engagement

13 District Strategic Plan Provides Focus - Vision Accountability Forward thinking and planning Aligns with KLN and Literacy Rigor and Excellence

14 Results!  Met AYP target in Reading  Met AYP target in Math  34 SOE Awards for District  8 Literacy First Awards  Celebrate good things in Haysville Schools

15 Questions? Individual Building Reports

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