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Protecting Teachers Defending Education Vote Yes in the NUT Ballot.

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Presentation on theme: "Protecting Teachers Defending Education Vote Yes in the NUT Ballot."— Presentation transcript:

1 Protecting Teachers Defending Education Vote Yes in the NUT Ballot

2 Why this campaign? Never before have our pay, our pensions, our conditions of employment and our professionalism been under such direct attack It is not an accident: this Government is determined to break up democratically controlled public education as we know it This is a strategic response from the NUT and NASUWT - working together on an unprecedented joint campaign

3 NUT & NASUWT working together

4 What does the declaration cover? Workload pressures: damaging teachers’ health, threatening educational standards Pensions: unfair contribution increases and changes to pension ages Pay: proposals for local pay and performance related pay and the continuation of the pay freeze Conditions: attacks on national terms and conditions of service, including through academisation of schools Jobs: arising from funding cuts and curriculum reforms

5 NUT & NASUWT working together Joint declaration launched on 28 th May Joint letter to Government demanding talks NUT ballot in summer term NUT and NASUWT marches on 14 th July If no movement from Government -joint non strike sanctions from Sept -joint strike action later in the term

6 NUT & NASUWT working together What sort of non strike sanctions? -enhancing teaching/learning while hitting out at over-the- top accountability -such as refusing to hand in short term planning, attend more than one directed meeting per week or cooperate with more than 3 PM observations per year -not withdrawal of goodwill What sort of strike action? -both unions will take any strike action together

7 Who doesn’t support us? (1) Sir Michael Wilshaw: “If anyone says to you that 'staff morale is at an all-time low', you know you are doing something right." 2nd December 2011

8 Who doesn’t support us? (2) Michael Gove: those who object to the fragmentation of the system are "happy with failure" and are"enemies of promise” On average, 2 press notices have been issued every week this year which have demotivated and denigrated teachers – see the full list on the NUT website

9 Together We Can Win We have already won concessions on pensions Teachers over 50 are protected A pension which would have been £10,000 will now be £10,800 (but should have been £15,000) Two days strike action has won £800 a year! We can win more if we are united NUT & NASUWT together are 85% of teachers

10 A Giant Step

11 The NUT Ballot Ballot papers arrive from June 25 th Get the votes in before the end of term, even though the actual close date is in September The NUT pensions ballot is still valid – the new ballot is to protect pay and working conditions The pensions campaign continues in tandem – strike action would be on both campaigns

12 What are our demands? We want negotiations covering all schools (academies included) to: provide protection on excessive workload limit inspections and observations defend the current pay arrangements (opposing school by school pay, PRP and threats to spine points) and end the pay freeze.

13 We Can Win As a result of the pensions action, the NUT has more reps and more members This means more active members to help us mobilise Active members can visit nearby schools and help get a YES vote There is everything to fight for!

14 Summer term activities Demos in Oxford and Sheffield (aimed at Cameron and Clegg) on 14 July Watch out for other activities!

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