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5AD008 Critical and Contextual Issues in Art & Design Ethics and games: Where should the developers’ responsibilities lie?

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Presentation on theme: "5AD008 Critical and Contextual Issues in Art & Design Ethics and games: Where should the developers’ responsibilities lie?"— Presentation transcript:

1 5AD008 Critical and Contextual Issues in Art & Design Ethics and games: Where should the developers’ responsibilities lie?

2 Videogame Controversies 1: Violence GTA- Freedom to commit many violent crimes Fallout 3- Blowing up Megaton Blowing up a town for money with a nuclear explosive. COD MW2- No Russian Shooting unarmed civilians in an airport as part of the story. Postal- Game about slaughtering men, women and even children.

3 Consequences of Violence in Games No correlation between gun murders and videogame consumption.

4 Videogame Controversies 2: Sex GTA San Andreas- Hot Coffee A sex minigame hidden in the game code, only accessible via hacking. Mass Effect- Paramour The player may engage in a romantic subplot with various characters, culminating in a sex scene.

5 Videogame Controversies 3: Homosexuality Bully- Kissing boys Dragon Age: Origins- Gay elf assassin sex Fire Emblem- Ike? Fan debate on character’s unstated sexuality is the first search to come up in Google from typing his name, with the search yielding 27,100 results in 0.14 seconds and pages of hot debate on the subject Mass Effect- Liara, female heterosexual romance shortage in 3 Trans-species homosexual romance option in Mass Effect Fewer romantic interests for women, including only 2 male in Mass Effect 3, one of which being bisexual. Male protagonists get multiple exclusive romantic interests.

6 Fire Emblem- Ike? Fan debate on character’s unstated sexuality is the first search to come up in Google from typing his name, with the search yielding 27,100 results in 0.14 seconds and pages of hot debate on the subject.

7 Mass Effect- Liara, female heterosexual romance shortage in 3 Trans-species homosexual romance option in Mass Effect, and further homosexual romances in later games. Fewer romantic interests for women, including only 2 male in Mass Effect 3, one of which being bisexual. Male protagonists get multiple exclusive romantic interests.

8 Consequence of Sex and Sexuality in Games If games do not cause gun crime, there is no reason to believe they cause homosexuality OR underage sex. Homosexuality is in the individual; seeing it in a game could not “turn” someone homosexual- and to suggest otherwise is ludicrous, as those who dislike it are evidently aware of it and not homosexual. It is more dangerous that awareness of sexuality is considered an issue at all Homosexuality should be depicted MORE in games in order to avoid teaching children that it’s unnatural, and reduce homophobia (which harms IS harmful, as opposed to homosexuality which harms no-one)

9 What are the REAL issues?

10 Objectification of Women The Art of the Mass Effect Universe- Shows behind game design just how significant a factor sex-appeal in female characters is. Soul Calibur: Unrealistic figures and breakable armour, zero character, unsubtle Dead Island: Riptide- Bust of a Bust

11 Art of the Mass Effect Universe- Objectifying To add a familiar element of science-fiction fantasy, we decided one of the main species in Mass Effectwould be a race of beautiful, blue alien girls. An extensive exploration of the idea led to the asari appearing exotic and alien while still having some human qualities, which allowed them to be desirable as potential love interests. –pg.17 Concepts for Miranda’s body and clothing tried to balance sex appeal with a uniform befitting a Cerberus officer. – pg.64 We also sought ways to best show off [Jack's] tattoos while covering her chest to some degree. Concerns about how exposed she was led to some of these changes. – pg.79 By “changes” they mean belts covering her nipples. Even in the finished version Jack’s upper body is virtually nude, and in some of the concept art there is actually nothing over her breasts. And I’m not talking early sketches here. Right up near completion. It was ultimately decided that it would be acceptable to have some skin showing due to [Samara's] armor’s near invisible kinetic-barrier technology, which was her primary method of defense. – pg.80

12 Dead Island Riptide Using female body to sell game Breasts and bikini suggest sex appeal intended Lack of head=stripped of identity Bust for display- literal objectifying Gore factor- suggests necrophilia Would be extremely sick if real

13 In Family Friendly Games Mario- Peach, Daisy The Legend of Zelda- Why is Zelda so incapable when she’s a ninja/pirate with magic powers that could beat virtually any boss to appear? Even animals? Donkey Kong: Candy Kong, Starfox: Krystal

14 Female Role-models in Games Tomb Raider- Lara Croft Ridiculous proportions used to aid sales Metroid- Samus Aran Reveal as female accompanied by wearing bikini; later appearances feature skin-tight “Zero Suit”

15 Real-World Consequences Male Perception of Women- dehumanised, existing for sex Female Self-Perception- anorexia, depression Harassment of Girl Gamers -Shrine NI Alienation from computer games Potential Increase of Sex Offences?

16 Selling Point Cannot change, commercial suicide Human nature

17 Ethics & Nature Just because something is natural, it may not be ethical. Ethics: Separating us from animals, but is it enough?

18 Bibliography video-game-chart-no-trendline.jpg video-game-chart-no-trendline.jpg ovescene1.jpg ovescene1.jpg written-lightly-of-mass-effect-3-bromance/ written-lightly-of-mass-effect-3-bromance/ The Art of the Mass Effect Universe island-riptide.jpg island-riptide.jpg this-jerk-and-his-supporters-find-joy-in-harassing-women-gamers this-jerk-and-his-supporters-find-joy-in-harassing-women-gamers

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