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Designing World Language Integrated Performance Assessments CCR Summer Academies 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Designing World Language Integrated Performance Assessments CCR Summer Academies 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Designing World Language Integrated Performance Assessments CCR Summer Academies 2015

2 Welcome & Introductions

3 Outcomes 0 Examine the rationale and components of Integrated Performance Assessments. 0 Explore authentic resources. 0 Analyze sample assessments. 0 Design and create individual IPAs.

4 Agenda 0 Introduction to IPA’s (25 minutes) 0 Building IPA’s (30 minutes) 0 Designing IPA’s (25 minutes) 0 Reflecting on practice (10 minutes)

5 Celebrations

6 Introduction to IPA’s

7 What Do IPA’s mean to you? Integrated Performance Assessments are like __________________________ because __________________________.

8 Why IPA’s? 0 Prepares our citizens with linguistic skills and cultural understanding. 0 Allows learners to demonstrate to communicate within various modes of communication. 0 Serves as an assessment in which learners interpret authentic texts. 0 Prepares language learners for the challenges of life and work in the 21 st century.

9 Definition of IPA An IPA is a classroom-based assessment model that can be used for evaluating student’s language use in the three communicative modes (interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational) that correspond to the communication standards that appear in the national standards for world language. -CARLA

10 IPA’s & Connections to Learning for College, Career, and World Readiness 0 World Readiness Standards 0 Can Do Statements 0 Instructional Shifts 0 Common Core Crosswalk & ACTFL

11 Building an IPA

12 Components of IPA’s

13 ⦿ One-way ⦿ Authentic materials ⦿ Listening and reading ⦿ Two-way ⦿ Spontaneity ⦿ Negotiation of meaning ⦿ Oral and written ⦿ One-way ⦿ Rehearsed ⦿ Focus on form ⦿ Speaking and writing Modes of Communication INTERPERSONALINTERPRINTIVE INTERPRETIVE PRESENTATIONAL

14 Examples of IPA’s


16 Now what? 0 Where do I start? 0 How do I find authentic resources? 0 How do I assess progress and performance?

17 Design your own IPA

18 Time to create!

19 Reflect

20 Thank you! If possible, have something to raffle out (Speaking stones or IPA book)

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