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SHEDL Scottish Higher Education Digital Library Investigative Study Tony Kidd University of Glasgow.

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Presentation on theme: "SHEDL Scottish Higher Education Digital Library Investigative Study Tony Kidd University of Glasgow."— Presentation transcript:

1 SHEDL Scottish Higher Education Digital Library Investigative Study Tony Kidd University of Glasgow

2 ICOLC Stockholm October 20072 Context  Scottish HE tradition of co-operation  Manageable size  Separate funding arrangements  Competitive concerns  Research Pools  Example of other consortia

3 ICOLC Stockholm October 20073 History  Previous attempts to implement ‘Scotland- wide’ access too ambitious Cross-sectoral funding  Continuing concerns over patchy access  Investigative funding from Principals of Glasgow/Edinburgh Universities

4 ICOLC Stockholm October 20074 Investigative Study May-October 2007 SCURL sponsored – Scottish Confederation of University and Research Libraries John Cox Interviews  Libraries  University administrators/Universities Scotland  Academics/Research Pools  Stakeholders – Scottish Funding Council/JISC etc Report to be launched Fri 5 Oct –

5 ICOLC Stockholm October 20075 Relationship with JISC/NESLi2 Strong consensus that SHEDL should work within JISC Collections framework SFC and Principals expect SHEDL to co-exist with and complement JISC But wish to fill in gaps, to move away from ‘opt-in’ arrangements, to ensure overall access for Research Pools Plus possibility of wider range of deals (recognising NESLi2’s current work with ‘small/medium publishers’)

6 ICOLC Stockholm October 20076 Structure and governance  Three options  National Library of Scotland  Separate not-for-profit entity  APUC – Advanced Procurement for Universities & Colleges

7 ICOLC Stockholm October 20077 Next steps  Buy in to SHEDL concept  Structure and governance  Funding  Consultative mechanisms  Content acquisition strategy  Non-HEI library participation

8 ICOLC Stockholm October 20078 Report on SCURL website 

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