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Monitoring pupil progress in lessons D Crossley The Carlton Academy.

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Presentation on theme: "Monitoring pupil progress in lessons D Crossley The Carlton Academy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monitoring pupil progress in lessons D Crossley The Carlton Academy

2 Post-it note progress Each pupil writes their name on a post-it note As they complete the tasks they move their post-it note Support tasks with help sheets, mark schemes etc at the side of the room Works well with exam questions

3 Space Station Sound Challenge! 1. Could you work for NASA? Labelling waves 2. Is the space station haunted ? Which rocket? Past Paper Questions

4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

5 The result In my experience: – Pupils stay on task – Work hard – Help each other appropriately – Don’t cheat

6 Why does it work? Progress through tasks is visible Pupils don’t want to get left behind The quickest way to progress is to attempt the task rather than go straight for the help sheets Finding the answer is quicker than waiting for help from the teacher

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