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1 SCC Funding Resources Fiscal Year 2007-08 December 2007 Information based on LRCCD 2007-08 Proposed Budget for Adoption.

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Presentation on theme: "1 SCC Funding Resources Fiscal Year 2007-08 December 2007 Information based on LRCCD 2007-08 Proposed Budget for Adoption."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 SCC Funding Resources Fiscal Year 2007-08 December 2007 Information based on LRCCD 2007-08 Proposed Budget for Adoption

2 2 Fund Types District General Fund (GENFD): –Fund 11: Unrestricted General Fund –Fund 12: Restricted General Fund Campus Funds: –SCOSC: Extended General Fund –Fund 13: Instructionally Related/Special Activities –Fund 14: Other Instructionally Related Programs (Trust) –BANSC: Agency –Fund 71: Associated Student Government –Fund 72: Student Representation Fees –Fund 81: Student Clubs & Agency –Fund 83: SCC Foundation

3 3 District General Fund Funds 11 & 12 Utilized to account for the basic educational programs and ordinary operations of the college

4 4 Fund 11 Unrestricted General Fund College Discretionary Fund, Block Grant –Unrestricted portion of the district’s general fund –Primary funding source; supports all divisions and administrative areas –Formula driven, in part Substantial portion of funding recommended by the budget committee –Due to timing of allocations, current year funding is used to plan next Fiscal Year –Mid year updates through the Budget Committee

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7 7 Fund 12 Restricted General Fund Categorical programs, Special Projects, Grants –Expenditures restricted by law, regulation, external agencies, etc. Funding levels determined by external agencies –Timelines and restrictions defined in program plans –Matching sometimes required

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9 9 SCOSC Campus Funds Fund 13 and Fund 14 Extensions of the general fund Subject to the same regulations as district general fund All revenue generated by the college

10 10 Fund 13 Instructionally Related (extended general fund) IR/EEP –Supports extra-curricular, student centered and student focused activities –Derived from College Store profit ($200K) Special Activities –Promote understanding of the college, increase community awareness –Capped at.08% of College General Fund (~$62,800/annually) –Funded by vending revenue

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14 14 Fund 14 Other Instructionally Related (Trust) Extension of the general fund to account for materials fees, gate receipts, service fees, and other miscellaneous college income All activities are cost-covering (unsubsidized) Only used if activity does not fit other funds

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16 16 BANSC Agency Funds Funds 71, 72, 81, and 83 College assumes fiduciary responsibility but has no authority over expenditures

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18 18 Fund 71 Associated Student Government Moneys held in trust by the college for the organized student body association Annual revenue comes from subsidies of student student Access Card

19 19 Fund 72 Student Representation Fee To account for moneys collected pursuant to Education Code Section 76060.5 that provides for a student representation fee of one dollar per semester Expended to provide for the support of student governmental affairs representatives

20 20 Fund 81 Student Clubs and Other Agency To account for moneys of student clubs and any other moneys for which the college is the fiscal agent

21 21 Fund 83 SCC Foundation To raise funds for scholarships, grants, and other assistance for students as well as provide support for college programs Revenue comes largely from endowments, donations, gifts, bequeaths, and fundraising Maintains IRS 501c3 standing

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23 23 Summary Handouts cover basic definitions and authorized uses of these fund types Limitations and audit requirements do exist Budget Office and VPA are tasked to monitor

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