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How do you feel. It’s a … … It’s a ladybird. happy sad hungry thirsty angry tired The ladybird is ___. feelings full afraid.

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Presentation on theme: "How do you feel. It’s a … … It’s a ladybird. happy sad hungry thirsty angry tired The ladybird is ___. feelings full afraid."— Presentation transcript:

1 How do you feel

2 It’s a … … It’s a ladybird.

3 happy sad hungry thirsty angry tired The ladybird is ___. feelings full afraid

4 I have a cute dog. I am________. I clean the classroom. I am_______. A ladybird is in my house. I’m_________. I’m________. I want some bread. I’m________. I want some water. My dog eats my book. I am_______. … feelings angry hungry happy tired thirsty I see a snake. I’m _______. afraid

5 A ladybird! I am afraid. A ladybird. I am ______. A _______. I am _______.

6 … I see a _____.I am afraid. I see a _____.I am not afraid. Let’s talk

7 Hi ! I’m a ladybird. Look ! It’s a funny family. Grandma and Mum are afraid of me. Ben is afraid, too. Look at Kitty. She is not afraid. She is happy. Oh ! Where am I ? I am in the toilet. Oh ! No ~~~ I am ________. Is Kitty afraid ?

8 toilet Haha ! I am not afraid. I am happy. Oh, no ! I am in the toilet. I am afraid.

9 Listen and order ( ) 1 2 4 3 Haha! I’m not afraid. I’m happy. Oh, no! I’m in the toilet. I’m afraid. I am… Woof ! Woof! Haha,… … I am … The ladybird is …my bed. Haha, I am... … … Look and say

10 What’s this? A ladybird! I am angry. What’s this? A ladybird! I am angry. I am afraid.

11 I am afraid. Look! He is __ the table. I am _____ the table. He is __ the bed. I am _____ the bed. He is ____ the sofa. I am _____ the sofa Wu~~~ I am ____.He is _____,too. I am afraid. Look! He is __ the table. I am _____ the table. He is __ the bed. I am _____ the bed. He is ____ the sofa. I am _____ the sofa Wu~~~ I am ____.He is _____,too. on underon under tired under tired

12 afraid afraid,happy angry, tired on, under afraid,angry Look and say

13 Mum is afraid. Grandma is afraid, too. She is on the sofa. Ben is afraid. The ladybird is on his bed. Sam is angry. The ladybird is on his bed. Kitty is not afraid. The ladybird is in the toilet. Father is angry. Look! He is on the table. The ladybird is under the table. He is … The ladybird is … Father is tired. The ladybird is tired, too.

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