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Table of Contents Career Planning Standard 2 I WILL…prepare the a professional communication portfolio required by 21 st century healthcare employers.

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1 Table of Contents Career Planning Standard 2 I WILL…prepare the a professional communication portfolio required by 21 st century healthcare employers.

2 Table of Contents The mission of the Cane Ridge Academy of Health Management is to provide a solid academic foundation in a nurturing environment that prepares students with the professional skills necessary for post-secondary academics and healthcare related careers.

3 Table of Contents Lesson 1. Job Openings 2. Application 3. Cover letter 4. Résumé 5. Thank You note 6. Time off request 7. Resignation letter

4 Table of Contents  Ask family and friends  Personal contacts  “Now Hiring” signs  Employment agencies  School counselors  Job centers  Job fairs  Internships  Shadow  Internet search

5 Table of Contents  First decide what job is wanted or needed  Education and experience required  Business or clinical  Entry level or experience

6 Table of Contents  Many opportunities  Many different levels  Health care workers are in high demand.  Baby Boomers Demographic  People are living longer  Dementia & Altimerzs

7 Table of Contents  Provides information about the applicant’s experience, education, etc.  Applicant’s ability in terms of: ▫Following directions ▫Being complete ▫Being accurate ▫Working neatly ▫Spelling correctly  Be honest

8 Table of Contents  Includes: ▫The applicant’s personal information ▫Age ▫Work status ▫Past employment with company

9 Table of Contents  Includes: ▫Desired position ▫Referral method ▫Type of work ▫Date available

10 Table of Contents  An entry-level résumé is suitable for people who are just entering the workforce.  A professional résumé is suitable for people who are mid-career professionals.

11 Table of Contents  Introduces you to a potential employer  Brief overview of your education, qualifications, & experience  Request an interview

12 Table of Contents  Included with a résumé  Includes four paragraphs: 1.Why the person is writing – to apply for a specific job. 2.Highlights the applicant’s qualifications. 3.Expresses the applicant’s interest in an interview. 4.Thank the employer.

13 Table of Contents  Opening statement at the top of a résumé. ▫It tells an employer what type of job an applicant wants. ▫It states why the person is qualified for the job.  An objective should be as specific as possible.

14 Table of Contents  Purpose: Is to get an interview  Highlights the applicant’s qualifications for employment  Shows proof of reliability and capability  Provides information about the applicant in terms of these skills: ▫Being organized. ▫Being concise. ▫Being accurate.

15 Table of Contents  There are résumé styles to suit every situation. ▫Professional ▫Contemporary ▫Elegant  People should consider the type of job they want as well as their own personal taste when they choose their résumé style.  Vitae…used for academic/educational employment opportunities

16 Table of Contents  A functional résumé highlights skills acquired through work and volunteer experiences and activities.  A chronological résumé highlights work experience.

17 Table of Contents  Includes: ▫Desired position ▫Referral method ▫Type of work ▫Date available

18 Table of Contents  The Education section tells the employer about the applicant’s education.

19 Table of Contents  Applicant’s work experience and the details of each job.  Listed in order with the most recent job listed first. Use action verbs.  List volunteer, community service, sports, church, & extracurricular activities

20 Table of Contents  Under Special Skills and Qualifications, the applicant should list any interests, activities, honors, and awards that are related to the job.  CPR/AED, HIPAA, Bilingual, Leadership, GPA, Academic courses, Sports, Community Service, Volunteer

21 Table of Contents  Person who can speak positively about you.  Consider- ▫Teacher ▫Counselor ▫Supervisor ▫Co-worker ▫Co-members of organization ▫Clergy  Ask your reference’s permission and inform them who may contact them and what position you are applying for.

22 Table of Contents  Agree to the terms of the application  Includes: ▫Declaration that all information is truthful ▫Realization that the employer may investigate all information ▫Understanding that employment is not guaranteed…most have a 90-day probation period

23 Table of Contents Most professional organizations require some type of formal request for documentation and planning purposes. It will vary from facility to facility. This allows the administrator/office manager/supervisor to adjust staffing schedule needs during your time off. Some may require a specific timeframe for planned time off. 1.State the date (s) that you are requesting off 2.State the purpose of request..personal, professional, emergency 4. Pertinent information or contact person during your absences 5. Include your full name and date

24 Table of Contents Typically hand written after the interview has taken place as a follow – up strategy. Displays professionalism Possibly will move your name to “Top of Mind” status of hiring agent A weekly phone call is acceptable if you have not received any communication back about interview or hiring status.

25 Table of Contents 2 weeks is the customary time frame to notify your employer Upper level professional positions require 4 weeks (CEO, President) You should never quit a job on the spot. Don’t burn a bridge! A resignation communication typically consist of the following: 1.Reason for leaving 2.Date that will be your last day 3.Communicate how you appreciated the opportunity to grow professionally while an employee 4. Include your name and date

26 Table of Contents Prepare the following 5 professional communication items in an electronic format. Make a copy to submit for a SUMMATIVE GRADE 1. Cover Letter ( page 1) 2. Resume (page 2) Microsoft Word Resume Template * (page 3: include 3,4,& 5) 3.Thank You Note 4.Time Off request 5. Resignation communication

27 Table of Contents 1. What are the 2 main purposes of your resume? 2. Whom should your reference be? 3. Purpose of the “objective statement” on your resume? 4. When should a Thank You note be sent? 5. List the 2 main reasons healthcare workers will be in demand in the future. 6. What is the customary time frame to submit a resignation communication? 7.

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