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How were Scots persuaded to join the army?. Kitchener immediately began a recruiting campaign by calling for men aged between 19 and 30 to join the British.

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Presentation on theme: "How were Scots persuaded to join the army?. Kitchener immediately began a recruiting campaign by calling for men aged between 19 and 30 to join the British."— Presentation transcript:

1 How were Scots persuaded to join the army?

2 Kitchener immediately began a recruiting campaign by calling for men aged between 19 and 30 to join the British army. Three weeks later Kitchener raised the maximum recruiting age to 35.

3 Recruitment posters could be seen everywhere All across Scotland and Britain, young men were being urged to join the army through a mixture of peer pressure, guilt, appeals to patriotism and by suggesting that joining the army would provide an exciting life of adventure.

4 Kitchener stated, ‘I feel certain that Scotsman have only to know that their country urgently needs them.’

5 Kitchener was right-his campaign was a huge success More Scots volunteered in proportion to the size of the population than any other area in the UK. By the end of August 20,000 men from the Glasgow area had signed up. The numbers were even far more than Kitchener had hoped for.

6 There are many different reasons why young Scots joined the army in a sudden rush in 1914? The virtues of heroism Self sacrifice Honour Patriotism Look good in a kilt

7 Others wanted to escape the boredom and drudgery of work The army offered a steady wage and even after the casualty lists lengthened in 1915, Scots still joined up in large numbers.

8 In England a system of recruitment called ‘Pals Battalions’ were started. These were units of the British army that consisted of men who had volunteered together, they could stay in the same unit. Scotland did not recognise the term ‘pal’ but they did exist. Four coming from Glasgow and three from Edinburgh.

9 In Glasgow it was the (15 th City of Glasgow) Battalion of the Highland Light Infantry and was known as the Tramway Battalion. Most of the men had been in the trams or transport Dept. The 16 th HLI were made up of Boy’s Brigade members.

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